View Full Version : Cruelty to Animals...

07-25-2006, 09:34 PM
FREDRICKSBURG, Va. - A woman whose pet cockatoo died after it was left in a sweltering car while she went to a movie has been charged with animal cruelty.

Moviegoers told police they saw the bird, which appeared distressed, in the back of the car Saturday afternoon, police spokesman Jim Shelhorse said. They alerted theater staff who called the police.

By the time police opened the car, the bird was dead in its cage, Shelhorse said.

Donia Monique Brooks, 25, was charged with cruelty to animals, a misdemeanor that can bring up to a year in prison.

Shelhorse said a window in the car had been left open about an inch, but the temperature outside was 90 degrees and the heat index was about 97.

07-25-2006, 09:38 PM
I really hope they start enforcing this law to the fullest, or even make it more than a misdemeanor, then people may be less apt to do such an idiotic thing>:

07-25-2006, 09:43 PM
What in the world must she have been thinking (or not thinking)?????? No live creature should be left in any vehicle during this kind of hot weather!! I wouldn't even leave a plant in my car, let alone a live creature! There are now laws in effect for pet evacuations during hurricanes/severe weather. Perhaps one is needed to cover situations like this.

07-26-2006, 06:59 AM
>: all I can do is shake my head.....I knew we had stupid people in the world...but this is just dumb dumb dumb. She better be glad it wasn't one of my babies, because then she would rather be locked up, than have to deal with me finding her. >:


07-26-2006, 07:49 AM
I hope that woman pictures that poor cockatoo suffering every single night before she falls asleep. I could never ever imagine doing something that stupid to any of my pets. Just the thought of that poor baby suffering breaks my heart - they depend on us to take care of them and love them and this is truly disgusting!!!>:

07-26-2006, 08:49 AM
Let's hope law enforcement & the judicial system sticks it to her and not give her a slap on the hand. >: STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!! >:

07-26-2006, 09:49 AM
Bloody moron, not even a person can stand being in a car down here right now with the DOORS open unless the fan is on.

Lord help us if she ever reproduces - there is a very disturbing trend of people doing this to their very young CHILDREN in the south.

07-27-2006, 01:30 AM
STUPID STUPID STUPID is all I can say about this. She is lucky I wasn't there.I would have knocked out her window and saved the bird. I hate it when people think animals are disposable. I don't look at any of the animals that own me as "pets" They are companions. What makes this even sadder is our goverment will probably slap her on the wrist and send her on her way. Hopefully she will think of what that poor bird suffered in the last minutes of his life. Makes me sick thinking of it myself.

07-27-2006, 08:27 AM
Here's a link to the local newspaper where the perpetrator responds in the comments section (near the bottom): http://fredericksburg.com/News/FLS/2006/072006/07252006/208843?displayAll=1&MaxComments=40

This person is a waste of space/oxygen.

(Never mind logging in and commenting on the site: morons have taken it over.)

07-27-2006, 08:58 AM
Tim I just got done reading that article what was even more disturbing was some of the people that responded to it. >: I have three cockatoos Roxy a Ducorps, Darla a Goffins and Fester a Bare Eyed. All of the them talk, but Fester has the largest vocabulary - thanks to my three daughters (calling me all day long - from a different room in the house) Fester calls me "mommy" in the sweetest little voice you could ever imagine. :rofl I just could never ever imagine treating any of my pets - birds - dogs - cats - horse - and two chickens with anything but love and respect - just because they are animals does NOT MEAN they do not become part of your family and your heart. I just don't understand and never will - my heart aches for that poor birds suffering - ::(

07-27-2006, 10:08 AM
I wouldn't bother commenting at the paper's website. A bunch of immature morons have highjacked that comment area.

07-27-2006, 10:23 PM
How horrible. I can't even imagine...that poor bird. I agree, animal cruelty sentencing should be MUCH stricter. A warning and/or small fine does nothing to discourage this kind of behavior.
AND, I actually used to live in that town (Fredericksburg, Va)!!!

07-27-2006, 10:58 PM
My mother is from there. She loved the snow and still misses it. She went back this past Thanksgiving to visit with her family and it snowed a little. She was so thrilled. LOL