View Full Version : Lost my Lovie

07-27-2006, 12:09 AM
My lovebird got out by accident and headed straight for the open door. Several hours later I heard her alarm call and found her in a tree but she wouldn't come down. When I came back to check on her in the tree she was gone. Not knowing what happened to her is the worst feeling in the world. Just wondering if anyone knows how long lovebirds can last without food and water. :((((((((

Thanks. :(

07-27-2006, 12:42 AM
Chances are that your lovie did not go very far away. I think if you look, you still may very well find her. Put her cage outside in a place (not on the ground) where it would be visible to her. If she gets hungry enough, she may just come down for food. I would also alert all your neighbors, as well as local SPCA or humane society. You can put posters in local pet shops. Check online to see if you can find the bird hotline for lost birds and post a message there. I would also put it in your local newspaper.

Good luck in your efforts!

07-31-2006, 03:25 PM
Hi Linda,

I wanted to say thanks for your support. I did end up getting my Lovie back. She was VERY dehydrated and hungry after two days of flying around but she's back to her normal self and up to her usual antics. Miracles do happen. I won't be letting her wings go unclipped again.

Thanks again. :)

07-31-2006, 03:28 PM
YIPPEE, what a relief! I'm so happy to hear that you got her back. :D Did she come down to you or did someone else find her and return her to you? I lost mine one time for 45 minutes and while I think he very much wanted to come back to me, I don't think he knew exactly how to do that. He got a wing clip the next day and hasn't been outside since.

07-31-2006, 03:51 PM
I'm really glad to read your lovie found her way back home :). Thank God for small miracles :).


07-31-2006, 03:55 PM
I'm very glad to hear that you got your lovebird back!! While they are birds and have the ability to fly, they are not prepared to care for themselves should they find themselves outside. They are dependent on us and I will always suggest flight feather clipping to keep them safe. You can believe that your lovebird was terrified when she found herself in dangerous territory. Mine enjoy being outside on my lanai, as long as I'm close at hand..... :)

07-31-2006, 07:05 PM
Yes, miracles do happen, and I am so glad to hear you got yours:)

If you haven't already, you will want your vet to give your lovie a check up. There are all kinds of bacteria in the wild, and you will want to make sure your lovie didn't pick up anything in his adventures.

Again, I am so happy to hear this news, and I'm sure you are both glad he is back home, safe and sound.

08-01-2006, 09:13 AM
Its really great that you got your precious back :)

Hopefully this will be a wakeup call for some of our visitors. You just cant afford to take any chances with a lovie. They are so curious and resourceful that anything can happen at any given time. Its really no different than taking care of a small child, except its more taxing in some ways because they can fly!!!

Even a clipped Lovie can get substantial lift when wind is involved!!!!!

So to all of our visitors please, dont take ANY kind of a chance. Keep all of the doors and windows secured, do NOT trust other pets (especially cats and dogs) no matter how much your pets may seem to get along with your lovie.

This story had a happy ending, but so many more do not. Please be careful and aware of your lovies behaviors and environment.

08-01-2006, 03:36 PM
Hi Janie,

Linda was right. My lovebird got so hungry/thirsty/tired that after day 2 she decided to go into someone's house! She had actually flown into a house 11 blocks north and 4 blocks west of our house. She flew right through someone's open window and onto their desk. That person then drove her to the SPCA (which I'm so thankful for) and since I had left a message with the SPCA they were able to make a match. I knew it was my Lovie right away because she knows how to say her own name. :)

And Bellarains...thank you for the suggestion. I think I will take her in for a checkup.

Thanks to everyone for their support. Although I'm a lurker, I think this message board community is great.

08-01-2006, 03:47 PM
Oh my Lord! That takes the cake! She flew right into a "good" home! :D Thank heavens the people who found her knew to call the SPCA.

A neighbor, about 5 houses up the street from me, found a cockatiel in her back yard last year. She called me because she knew I had pet birds and I advised her to call all area vets, put up signs and see if she could find anything on lost birds in this area on the internet. Bless her heart, she did go out and buy a cage, seed and toys for that bird and did everything she could to find the original owner but was prepared to keep the bird if the owner could not be found. The good news was that the owner did find her, 2 weeks later and 20 miles away! :D My neighbor told me that the reunion between the Tiel and his owner was so sweet. It is pretty amazing and wonderful when a lost bird is found and reunited. I'm so glad that you found your baby and thanks for letting me know how she was found. :D