View Full Version : Sorry not been about.

07-27-2006, 01:06 PM
Hiya all.
Just to let you know i am still about, but with this hot weather, its affected this left knee quite badly. But do have good news, I had a phone call from hospital Tuesday saying i can have the Operation (if i want ) In Septemeber, instead of waiting till next year. At the Moment i cannot give them a deff answer as am waiting for my friend to come back from hols. They wont let me out unless i got some-one to saty over night with me. ( i more than likley go for it.)

Sage and Honey doing well, but having an awful battle getting them to eat veggies, but still not going to let them win. They are now at least eating egg sticks. :p wont get 1 over me ;) they still highly nervous still, but getting there slowly.
I err didnt take my reading glasses out with me today so Question Needs answering please. I bought some Calcium Carbonate Tablets for them today, but when i read on the Label It said TOFFEE Flavoured :eek: Will this harm them?? Also it as Vitimin D in them. I know this is ok for them more so in winter when sun not out.
Hope every-one ok. Its extremely hot here and has been last month. I have also been keeping an eye on My ragdoll cat because of the heat, he as a heart Murmur, so have to watch for the panting.
Hope to spk to soon. will keep you posted on my new lovies.
Take care everyone. be safe.
Cassy :grouphug:

07-27-2006, 02:34 PM
Hey Cassy,

That is wonderful news about your surgery. Wish I were there, you know I'd stay over. Of course, I'd have to bring my zoo with me:lol

Tell Sage and Honey I said they need to be good and eat their veggies. I'm not sure about the calcium tables, as I don't give mine anything like that, so will leave that to someone who actually know what they are;)



07-27-2006, 02:53 PM

Glad to hear all is working out with your surgery. It is very hot here in Calgary as well. I was wondering why you are giving your birds the Calcium Carbonate Tablets. I have always used the cuddle bone.

07-27-2006, 05:01 PM
Hi Cassy,

I have no idea about the tablets either. It is good to hear from you and I hope you will be able to get the surgery done in Sept. rather than waiting till next year. :)

I know you'll win the veggie battle! :D They won't be able to resist your charms! ;)

07-27-2006, 06:27 PM
grr back on, its past midnight here and its boiling, so cant sleep.

Reason i am hoping to give them Calciumn tablets, is they are breeding pair.
At the moment they are not eating cuttle bone etc, altho 1 (not sure who at mo) is nibbling at the iron block.

Linda taught me this many years ago when i first got my rescued lovies.
I am just a bit concerned at the moment as they are young birds and need the extra calcium to supplement them as they not eating any type of veggies yet. Only apples. Just concerned about the Toffee flavour.
All i would do like before is crush them up, into a powder and sprinkle it into their food containers. This more so for Honey the female.
But i ave vays ov making em eat veggies. :rofl: Sage is the more nosey 1 and braver 1. Honey is going to be hard work, for some reason she is very freaked out to the point of sitting on top of Honey when i go into the cage. I wondering while as a chick or in the pet store she had a nasty expericance and not trusting to much at mo. who knows, but i will win her around, but on her terms. well i best head back to the pit. i got 3 furry things outside front room door, mewing at me, get back to bed mum. sheesh.!!!
TTYL. ta ra for now.
Cassy. :grouphug:

07-27-2006, 06:31 PM
Cassy, I've been sneaky with an older hen lately that didn't touch her cuttlebone and I took the cheese grater to it and sprinkled it on the food. you can always try that too.
Also, many times, they don't touch the cuttlebone until they feel their bodies need it, so they might completely ignore it for now and begin devouring it the near future.
Hope you can get the operation as soon as possible and also hope the heat subsides. We've been having record heat here as well.

07-27-2006, 07:11 PM
Hi, I have heard of using the cheese grater to shred the cuddle bone also. As for her not eating the veggies, have you tried sprinkling seed or pellets on the veggies? This may cause her to have a little taste. You can also hang broccoli, lettuce, kale etc, from the cage. She may play with it at first and then she will learn to like it. How old are your birds? If they are young, could it be that they require a small amount of calcium right now. My babies are 6 months old and they only seem to use the bone when they need it.

07-29-2006, 03:20 AM
hi Lindades
I used to have a 6ft indoor avairy with lovebirds in, (how i found this board about err nearly 6 years now i think.) But due to my home being demolished, the home i am now in would not take the avairy (2 small) so i had to let all my lovies go. Sure some of the forum members will tell you.
Anyway, i did have 1 lovebird that flatly refused to eat veggies fruit and cuttle bone etc. This is where i asked linda for help, i came up with the idea of using Calciumn Tables, and it was linda who suggested to get Calciumn Carbonate tablets. This was to give the love bird the calciumn she really needed. So am an old hand at stubborn Lovebirds. ( 2 successfull clutches.)
If they wont eat any veggies at all, and if and when she goes into laying mode. :eek: i know at least she as had enough calciumn in her to let her eggs through etc. Was worried about the Toffee flavoured bit. Oh yeah they aint stupid , i grated the cuttlebone guess where it ended up. Yup on the Floor. But i will perserve with it. Least i got them eating Egg sticks, they wont touch boiled eggs, so thats 1 round to me.

07-29-2006, 09:07 AM
Cassy, grating the cuttlebone and sprinkling it on their seed was a suggestion that my breeder, Rubygem, passed on to me. Since my three do willing nibble on their cuttlebone, I haven't done that but it might work for you.

If the tablets are the same ingredients that you used before, the only difference being the toffee flavor, I would think it would be OK. :confused: