View Full Version : Time Out of Cage

07-27-2006, 09:33 PM
Our lovebird loves to be out of his cage. As soon as we open the door he is trying to step on our fingers. :) How much time should we have him out of his cage though? I don't want him to end up hating his cage or being unhappy in it if he is out too much. The breeder said she would have him out about an hour each night. We have had him out probably more than that. Just wondering what others do. Thank you!

07-27-2006, 09:43 PM
If you can, try and give your lovebird at least 2 hours a day out of cage time. When mine are out for an extended time (over 30 minutes), I give them water and food and they will eat and drink about every 10-15 minutes. You don't want them to get dehydrated. When you have him in his cage, just be sure he has toys he enjoys so he doesn't mine being in the cage. Of course sometimes this doesn't work. Sometimes they just want to be with you as Lovebirds are very social birds and love to be with you & the attention they get.

07-27-2006, 10:24 PM
I personally let Kiwi out all day. He has a playstand that sits in front of window so he can sit and talk to all the other birds outside. In the morning He comes right out of his cage and gets on my shoulder to feed everyone else and groom me then I put him on his stand to eat his birdie pasta and chat with his friends outside. Then after I have cleaned and getting ready to school my DD he sits right on my shoulder. He is usually fully flighted but I had to clip his wings when I moved in to take care of my parents. So he would just fly off my shoulder to his cage or stand to get food and water. That is the most important thing to remember is to offer food and water to him at least every 15 minutes.
Now for my pairs they stay in thier cage. They are not hand fed and are terrified of human hands. I have worked really hard to get a trusting relationship built with them. So I don't let them out so I don't have to chase them down and ruin the relationship we have. I do however give them really long cages and make sure they have plenty of room to flap those wings and be comfortable.

07-27-2006, 11:40 PM
I say that everyone should let out their birds as much as possible. Birds should be as much a part of the family as anyone else. In fact, I can't be home knowing my birds are locked up and I pretty much always have one bird or another on me or near me. It's harder now that we have so many, but we are lucky enough to have a bird room so they are out of their cages all day.

07-28-2006, 06:45 AM
When I'm home, my birds are out. Sometimes, when they're napping, I'll send them back to their cage. I serve treats in the cage ( birdie bread and nutriberries) so my birds will be in and out.
Even with all their freedom, they like spending time inside the cage.

I think the amount of time they spendout depends on what you feel comfortable with, and what your bird feels comfortable with.

07-28-2006, 09:29 AM
Me, too. When I'm home, which is most days, my birds are out! :D They are mostly confined to a bird room so they have a couple of play gyms and several boings hanging for the ceiling and plenty of hanging toys to keep them busy. Their cages are left open and sometimes they will take a time out, on their own, and go into their cages for a nap. :D I do give each one of the three some individual time with me and Oliver gets several hours of shoulder time each day but they all love being out in their room. :D

I guess you could say they are spoiled rotten! :whistle: Just as they should be! ;)

Kate, I just noticed your avatar photo! He is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!! :D

07-28-2006, 09:17 PM

My situation is a little differant and yours may be too. My birds are in my dining room, so they can not be out all day. I do work from home, so I usually let them out morning, noon and evening. They are usually not out for more than a half hour at a time. Johnny and Lilo usually go back to their cage on their own after about 20 minutes. Finnigan and Milo seem ready after about a half hour. When they were really young and I was learning their personality, I could tell it was time to go back when they seemed to be irritable. Hope this helps.

07-28-2006, 10:13 PM
My larger parrots are out of their cages as long as I'm home so that limits time out for my lovie pets. Alex (BFA) is not too fond of my lovebirds so if the 2 shared space next to each other, injuries would most likely result. When I work in my back birdroom, I've been known to take my pets there and leave them out, as there are no big birds in that room.

07-29-2006, 10:03 AM
I bring my birds out as long as I can do it so that it's safe for them. :) They can't come out when I'm cooking or working on the computer. They can't come out when the cat is awake.

Mine have set schedules for coming out, and they seem to enjoy their routines a great deal. :)

07-29-2006, 10:18 AM
I give Tango 15 mins ount, 15 in, and then back out again, this accomplishes at least 2 things for me, one when I was letting him come and go as he pleased, i was having trouble getting him in if I had to go somewhere or do something that I needed him caged for, this way he is easier to put back because he knows there is a good chance he'll be coming back out in a few minutes, so he goes and plays with his toys until I open the door again, then he comes right to me, It also ensures that he has a chance every 15 mins for a snack and drink (I have a healthy supply of nutriberries when he's out so it more about the water, the cage is always accessible if he wants a drink while he's out as well). I usually try and spend at least 2 hours doing this, more as often as I can, and some days it's a little less, but I try my best to make it a minimum of 2 hours that I spend with him each day.

Also just wanted to add that as Tango becomes more tame and comfortable staying with me and once I get him dowel trained he will be out more because I will be able to do more myself without worrying if Tango will stay with me, He really enjoys his shoulder time, and i can definately see him turning out to be something like Janies Oliver, since he is very happy to just be on my shoulder with me while i read or work on my laptop (no cords - I don't allow him near my dads desktop or use the laptop around him if I have it plugged in)