View Full Version : more progress !! & more questions??

07-28-2006, 12:15 PM
first skritch today :happy: :happy: with a little petting down her back (which i know im not suppose to do when she is nesty)

shes improving on that paper tearing. she does it different than daisy-who went after an edge and tore and tore with a flick of her head :cool: which curled her peices into spirals.
sweetypie braces the paper against her feet and either goes after the other edge or foldes paper in half and goes after the fold, chewing out longer and longer peices. for a looong time they were Vs then 2 weeks ago 1/4 inch long and now they are 2 to 4 inches long,:whistle:, she started tucking about a week ago :happy: so i would guess she is a she which i wanted.

right now im stuck indoors almost 24/7>:. can go out if i get up at the crack of dawn, its usually cool enough then:roll:. so of course i have sweetypie out of her cage from the time she wakes about 8 :blush: till time to cook and or eat dinner about 6pm. except for the one day a week i get up at 6 to go grocery shopping, during which my son says she was yelling the whole time i was gone loud enough to wake them up from downstairs(i left her covered because she was still asleep). should i uncover her when i leave so she can see im not there when she does wake?

in the winter i will be able to take up my regular appointments and will need to put swettypie in her cage, for yoga class 2 hours, massages 2 hours , doctors appts 1 to 2 hours, and shopping. i try to only have these things 3 days a week and rest the other 4 days.
i want to take her with me on my dog walks which arent (electric wheelchair cant walk even 1/4 of a block) they are rides:happy: . so i will have to get the travel pack anyway for that.:happy:
:confused: will this change in routine upset swettypie? should i take her with me for the drive but leave her in the car for the appointment? (on days that i know she wont freese or bake) or take her in and hope she stays quiet so i can hear the drs talk?:confused:

07-29-2006, 09:55 AM
Hi Cheryl;

I think I would leave her at home for the dr's appointments -- not necessarily for her safety, but for the consideration of the other patients or even some of the dr's staff, who may have allergies. In addition, you and the dr will not be distracted by Sweetypie's antics, and you will get the most out of your visits. Same thing for the yoga classes.

Also, if you left her in the car, there is always the risk that someone would steal her. I think Sweetypie will be safer and happier in her cage at home.

If you're up and out early and SP wakes up when she hears you, by all means, uncover the cage. She just wants to see what's going on. :)

Sweetypie will cope with the changes to your/her routine. Lovebirds love novelty. :):)

Best wishes,

07-30-2006, 12:55 AM
Cheryl: It sounds as if SweetyPie has done stole your heart and you guys are becoming fast friends :D . I have some hens who can chew strips with the best of them:rolleyes: .

I don't think the change in routine will be too much for SweetyPie. It sounds like she will still have plenty of out of cage time with you. Of course, she may throw a little fit but don't fall for it. Once you do, she's got you;) .