View Full Version : Had to post!

07-28-2006, 12:16 PM
It's been a while since I've posted, work and catching up on bills takes up half of my time :(
Anyway, Mikey's really acting out on his ball toy, he spends most of his day rubbing himself on everything. ;) I had to change to a rubber ball 'cause it was hard to clean all of Mikey's regurgitation out of his old ball.
Yesterday, when I opened Mikey and Birdie's cage doors, Birdie ( the tiel ) went to the new cage top to hang out. ( Finally got him into a good size cage ). Mikey went into Birdie's cage and promptly started to rub himself on Birdie's millet spray. I could imagine Mikey saying " Ha! Stick this in your mouth and eat it, 'Teil!" :rofl: My fiance didn't believe me til he saw it for himself.

At the petstore I work at, we now have three Sun conures and a Lilac Amazon. They're handfeeding three Umbrella Cockatoos in the back. The Cockatoo's calls sound like seagulls in the distance.

I haven't really had time to get in touch with friends...:( Rubygem- I'll try to put some extra time aside for ya! I miss ya! I didn't forget about you and your family ;) My cousin Richard is in Iraq, he'll be there for the next several months. I got pictures and I'll see if I can't get them posted here. He's pretty buff in his camo.

Anyway, I'll try to be more social and call some of my friends. It's been crazy around here lately, but it won't be long before everything starts to get back to normal.

07-28-2006, 12:23 PM

Glad to hear all is going well. Well, as well as it can be with a hormonal little boy;)

Hope to see you at the bird fair in Sept. I will be driving down from TN, so do try and make it:)

07-28-2006, 12:52 PM
Do I ever remember the rubbing from my previous lovebird. I was obligated to hold a tissue in a ball for him while he was doing the deed. :blush:
Believe it or not. sometimes I love the nastiness of a nesty hen over the rubbing of a male. My hen usually gave me a break in between the nesting while with my male, it was day after day, 5 times a day! :lol

07-28-2006, 01:11 PM
I was obligated to hold a tissue in a ball for him while he was doing the deed. :blush:
Elle, I'm glad I'm not alone is this. I'm obligated to hold a paper towel around my fingers while Molly does the deed >o With hormones running rapid at my house, Molly expects this everyday right now. Olivia is the only "nesty" hen I have - thank goodness! But she is a cutie pie when she gets likt that. Even with her bites :)

07-28-2006, 01:36 PM
Elle, I'm glad I'm not alone is this. I'm obligated to hold a paper towel around my fingers while Molly does the deed >o With hormones running rapid at my house, Molly expects this everyday right now. Olivia is the only "nesty" hen I have - thank goodness! But she is a cutie pie when she gets likt that. Even with her bites :)

Feels good to talk about it, doesn't it! :rofl:

07-28-2006, 04:14 PM
Nothing funnier in the world than to see Molly have a go at that kleenex! :lol

My Shy is the little "rubber" around here! I'd say he spends half his day rubbing on Oliver's birdie buddy and when he's closed up in his own cage, he "rub a dub dubs" on his own birdie buddy! :D

07-28-2006, 06:18 PM
i haven't posted in a while - i have to admit I was feeling a little intimidated with the closeness all the regulars have in this group. But I have been reading the threads, and the one regarding rubbing really hit home. I have one male (I think), almost 2, (never layed an egg) and he loooooves kleenex! He starts rubbing the minute he is near one, even near an unopened box. My son and I (we are his two favourite mates) have been discouraging it by removing the lustful item. But after reading some of the posts, I am wondering if I should let him have his fun! Is there any reason not to let him get it on?????

07-28-2006, 11:16 PM
Robyn, I can't think of a single reason! :D Unlike us humans, they don't feel embarrassed about what comes naturally to them. :) In the beginning, my 20 year old son would cover his eyes and say, "oh no, there he goes again!" and my hubby was even a little freaked out by it all. I told them to get over it! He's a bird and he doesn't feel the need to hide in a closet when he wants to have a good time! :lol

i have to admit I was feeling a little intimidated with the closeness all the regulars have in this group

I'm sorry about that. Please don't ever hesitate to jump right in! The more the merrier! :D I think all of us are bird addicts and we do tend to get carried away but always welcome company! :D

07-29-2006, 10:32 AM
thanks janie - everyone has made me feel welcome, so i am going to start jumping in more often. when you talk to a non-bird person they just don't seem to understand the need to talk about pooping, humping, birdie bread :lol i can't figure out why??????????:lol

08-01-2006, 12:01 PM
New people, yay! :happy:

I didn't know there was a Sept. date.... gimme more info and I'll try my damnest to get the weekend off.

As far as the "rubbing"... I think it's hilarious that some of ya out there actually participate... and it's kinda weird that you do! :p Maybe if we posted pics this would be NC-17 rated??? :x

08-01-2006, 12:23 PM

The show is Sept. 16th & 17th. I will be there Sat. the 16th, have to head home on the 17th. I do hope you can make it. You just tell your boss, "I said" you must have it off:lol


By all means, jump right in. We are very much a family here, and like family, we are always thrilled to have more added to our flock. We are close, and that's the appeal of this community. We care very much about each other's fids as well as each other. Ummmm, I hope you don't embarrass easily though, LOL.

08-01-2006, 02:42 PM
Hello Robyn,

I am also new and agree with the others to just jump in. This is what I have done and all have been very kind.

Anyway, I am from Canada also. At the end of June I flew to Montreal, your area, and took two lovebirds to my sister. My nephew (10 years old) just flew back to Montreal on Sunday after a 2 week stay with me. I love that the area around there. They live one hour outside of Montreal in a village. It is beautiful.

Well, I hope you continue to feel welcome. I look forward to seeing your posts in the future.

Oh, I have not had the hormone thing happen with my birds so I can not comment.

Bye for now.

08-01-2006, 03:54 PM
thanks janie - everyone has made me feel welcome, so i am going to start jumping in more often. when you talk to a non-bird person they just don't seem to understand the need to talk about pooping, humping, birdie bread :lol i can't figure out why??????????:lol

Yeah, nobody understands how much we love 'em and want to talk about 'em unless they are addicted! :D

08-17-2006, 01:04 PM
I called RubyGem and because she's gonna be there, I am too!:)
Anyway, it'll be nifty to meet ya since I didn't get the chance to last year.
I'm going on Saturday and I'll be there about 10:30-ish. I can't wait!

08-17-2006, 01:10 PM
Wish I lived in Georgia we never have any Bird Fairs here in good ol' Jersey!

08-17-2006, 05:52 PM
We have so many bird fairs here that I can't keep up! I think it's close to every other month! I'm not sure if that saves me money or causes me to spend more! :D