View Full Version : Yay Tobey!

07-29-2006, 12:37 AM
Just wanted to give an update on my new little guy, who I've named Tobey. His new cage is on its way, I wish it was here now! I ordered this one, I hope it will be a nice one. I liked it b/c it was pretty wide and was high off the ground (since we have dogs):
http://cgi.ebay.com/30-PARROT-CAGE-BIRD-CAGES-STAND-perch-stands-004-1027_W0QQitemZ120013193966QQihZ002QQcategoryZ46289 QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

He isn't comfortable with being handled yet, so I've been taking the top off of his cage (It's the tiny, horrible thing he came home in) to let him climb out and explore. I held the perch up to him to see if he wanted to climb onto that he got scared and fluttered over onto my knee! And he stayed there for about 15 minutes! I didn't push him any further, just talked to him and read a book (on lovebirds).
I had my husband spend some time with us. He (my husband), tried to get Tobey to step-up while in his cage, and, though he didn't want to, he wasn't trying to bite. He did eventually nip at him, but nothing serious!
Today I went to a nearby bird farm (in DE) and they had TONS of great bird stuff (toys, food, etc.)! They also had large parrots and babies! It was very clean and seemed like a nice place. Well, I went a little crazy and bought Tobey tons of stuff!
As I mentioned in another post, Tobey didn't touch his new toy that I put in his cage. It was suggested that he doesn't know how to play with toys b/c he's never had any! (>: ) Well, I got a little straw(?) toy with bells on it, thinking that I could show him how to play and attract him to it b/c it would make noise. The second time I had him out today, I hooked it onto a cabinet and jingled it. Before long, he came over to explore and pecked at it a few times! He also got some yummy spray millet. He had no idea what it was at first, but after he went over to explore, he LOVED it! He was so cute walking around the bathroom checking things out!
I got him to play a "blinking game" with me AND we played "hide and seek!" I was reading and would catch him looking at me and then hide my face behind the book. He caught on and would shift his head behind his cuttlebone. Then we'd both peer around, and so on!
I feel bad that he's still in the tiny cage, but I figured he may feel somewhat secure in it, since it's all he's known for a while. His new cage should be here in a few days. I switched out the perch he had, though, with a therapudic one. The one that was in there was way too small.
I have to set up my new camera's software on the computer, but I WILL post pictures soon!

07-29-2006, 12:45 AM
Awwww, I think you and Tobey (love that name) are making great progress! It is great to hear that he's learning how to play with a toy. :D The cage you ordered looks great and I'm sure he'll enjoy all that extra room. Let me share.....my adopted lovie was also in a very small cage when I got him. I did buy a large cage and he enjoys that during the day but still likes sleeping in his smaller cage at night. I think it makes him feel more secure. :)

07-29-2006, 03:20 PM
Let me share.....my adopted lovie was also in a very small cage when I got him. I did buy a large cage and he enjoys that during the day but still likes sleeping in his smaller cage at night. I think it makes him feel more secure. :)[/QUOTE]

Thanks for letting me know! I may see if he prefers this little cage for sleeping!

07-29-2006, 03:50 PM

That is too cute. My Bela loves to play peek-a-boo, and he even says "Peek". It sounds like Tobey is going to be a little game player himself:)

That is some mansion you have ordered. Of course, it gives you room to add another bird one day if you decide too;)

07-29-2006, 06:08 PM
It sounds like Tobey is going to be a very happy birdy! :cool:

07-29-2006, 08:01 PM

That's great!! I'm so glad to hear he's exploring the toys you bought him. Lovebirds are very smart and they learn quick, so keep working with him :D

Oh, my little tip about the "big" cage is once you set it up, let Tobey explore it for a while (a few days or so) or until you feel he's comfortable staying inside. I did this with Molly (took him about a week) as his new "big" cage was about 4 times the size of his little cage, which is now his night-night cage. Put a few toys in and even a happy hut or something so he kinda gets the idea that this is his new home. :2cents:

07-29-2006, 08:46 PM

That's great!! I'm so glad to hear he's exploring the toys you bought him. Lovebirds are very smart and they learn quick, so keep working with him :D

Oh, my little tip about the "big" cage is once you set it up, let Tobey explore it for a while (a few days or so) or until you feel he's comfortable staying inside. I did this with Molly (took him about a week) as his new "big" cage was about 4 times the size of his little cage, which is now his night-night cage. Put a few toys in and even a happy hut or something so he kinda gets the idea that this is his new home. :2cents:

I got lucky with Ditto. He was all over his new cage while I was putting it together. After it was done and I put a new toy in it he hopped right in and had a blast! But I don't think he realizes he's a lovebird. :rofl:

07-29-2006, 10:28 PM
That is some mansion you have ordered. Of course, it gives you room to add another bird one day if you decide too;)

Hehe, that is exactly what I was thinking...:happy: