View Full Version : Is this wierd?

Buy A Paper Doll
06-01-2005, 08:19 PM
Hey guys, please forgive me if this is an ignorant question ....

I caught my birds playing 'avian vet' this weekend, in Milo's hammock of all places. What I thought was odd was, Melody was trying to mount Milo. In a male/female pair, is it normal for the female to try to mount the male?

Oh - and yes, I'm sure that Melody is a girl. She has not been DNA tested because her mutation is sex-linked. Milo is DNA tested male (for whatever that's worth.)

Any thoughts?

06-01-2005, 09:13 PM
Well, my first thoughts are that Melody is in a family mode, and Milo hasnt quite figured out what his mojo's for. She could also be simply displaying her dominance, as some of my girls do now and then.
BTW...LMAO @ 'avian vet' !!!!!
I'd say since it was in the cozy hut...she's getting amorous !!

06-01-2005, 10:36 PM
I almost spit my drink all over my keyboard at "Avian Vet" LOLOLOLOL too good... have to remember that :)


06-02-2005, 04:16 PM
HAHA! Me, too! I loved that....."playing Avian Vet"...... :D

Sorry, having a lone male, I have no idea what's happening there but enjoyed reading about it just the same! :)

06-02-2005, 04:36 PM

the type of behavior you are seeing is normal with other animals. Cattles, horses and pigs will do that when they are in heat and also when they reach puberty. On farms it is very commun to see females mounting males as well as other females. Unless you are actually going to breed them females are kept seperate from males. I would consider it normal and would say that melody is reaching puberty and is discovering hum... what hormones can do... well I'll leave it at that.


06-02-2005, 05:01 PM
:D :D :D

We really do need to get the LOL emoticon back. That was just too funny.

Now, who is the Dr. and who is the Nurse????? ;)

06-02-2005, 05:02 PM

I'm looking for information rather than giving an answer to the above. I have a lone male that spends the day by himself yet has the freedom of the room after I return home in th evening. For some time now he has spent a great deal of time reguritating his food and plastering various play objects with it. He then has motions that suggest mating. If this is because he needs a mate, I'd buy one but no store here in Honolulu will guarantee the sex of a bird and I really don't need a flock. Any help would be appreciated.



06-02-2005, 05:39 PM
No it does not mean he needs a mate. Many lone birds male and female do that to certain things.


06-02-2005, 06:05 PM

It is quiet natural for him to regurgitate and self gratify himself on a favored object, or objects. You will need to clean those objects for amore though so that bacteria will not form and cause him an infection.

Nope, no female needed. He will do just fine all by himself as long as he has a mate in you :)

06-02-2005, 07:42 PM

Thank you all for the info. My mind rests easy. I'll just continue to clean his toys regularly. As for a mate, we get along just fine.


06-05-2005, 12:37 PM
Hi Don, welcome. :)

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