07-31-2006, 10:06 AM
Quick question - I already have a pair of green fischers - I have the opportunity to purchase a pair of black cheeked. What is the real difference between the two? When I look at pictures from Google they look relatively the same - any knowledge as to why I've read that the black cheek are a little more difficult to breed - I just want to make sure also that the green pair I already have are not black cheeked - even tho the bird store said they were fischers - :roll: Thank you for any help!

07-31-2006, 10:29 AM
Visually, there is a lot of difference! The only black on the head of a Black Cheek is the cheek area. The rest of the head is a brownish copper color. The beak, as long as they are not in breeding condition, is variagated red (lighter red at the top, going to dark red at tip), for lack of a better description. They are smaller than Fischer's. In fact, they are the smallest of the lovebird species. Their rump coloring is green; the same color that starts at the nape of the neck and that green will run to the tips of the tail feathering. If you see even a wash of blue in the rump area, you are looking at a hybrid. They also have a patch of salmon coloring about the size of a dime in the area just under their beaks.

As for breeding, yes, they are harder to breed. They have a higher humidity requirement in order for the chicks to even develop, let alone hatch. Their natural habitat is near Victoria Falls and you know how humid the air is near water falls.

I've bred them successfully and they really are little gems.

07-31-2006, 10:52 AM
So if I see even a little bit of blue on the tail feathering it is a hybird not a full Black Cheek? Just a little nervous about the hard to breed part - Thanks so much for your help

07-31-2006, 11:04 AM
Even a wash of any coloring other than green means you are looking at a hybrid. Look very closely, as I've seen some pretty good hybirds! Price has come down since I first got my pairs. At one time, a bonded pair was $350.00. You should be able to get a pair from a breeder for around $150.00, depending on where you are and what breeder you are dealing with.

They are harder to breed, but still easier than Abyssinians.... :)

07-31-2006, 11:51 AM
Thank you Linda - you are so much help! The breeder is here in New Jersey she is asking for $300.00 for a young pair - I'm going to look (very closely at the pair) before I exchange any money with her. Now my second question and concern (sorry to be a nudge) just checked on peachie babies on my lunch hour - each day when I go home I've been taking both out to hold to get used to handling (mom is none too happy/but she amuses me). They'll both be a month old on 8/4 and 8/6 - I have them in my bedroom and I've noticed the past couple of mornings that the babies seem to be making alot more noise than usual - anyway I noticed both babies had little bits of red marks on their necks and I also noticed some little bits of green feathers (not dads or moms/mom is yellow lutino and dad is blue both babies are green) in the nest box. I'm concerned mom may be over preening them or is ticked off with me taking them out (although) I didn't take them out to hold on Sat or Sun. Should I pull them and handfeed (will they still need to be in a brooder - it is very hot here in NJ) or just keep a close eye on everyone? Also I DO NOT want mom to have another clutch this year - (sorry this is so long) Thank you!!!

07-31-2006, 01:08 PM
I can only think of 1 or 2 breeders in NJ who would have Black Cheeked Lovebirds. Can you PM me the name of the breeder? If it's who I think it is, you should be able to get good quality birds. Here in FL, $300.00/pair would be high. As I said, location and quality will have an effect.

07-31-2006, 06:58 PM
Hi Denise,
You have the option of pulling the babies to handfeed, but keep in mind that a 4 week old can be very stubborn, especially if the parents are feeding it well! Mom seems to be using the feathers for nesting material. Does she have a good supply so that she can keep the nest clean? Other hens will pluck the babies no matter what you offer. This usually stops by the time the babies are 5 weeks old so the choice is yours. I, personally, would wait and see what happens.

08-02-2006, 09:38 AM
Thanks Linda I am going to wait - I gave her some paper this morning to tear up and I think I'll get her a Pinata to keep her busy - Thanks again.