View Full Version : Had my birdies for 3 weeks and making a small amout of progress

08-02-2006, 01:10 AM
I got my 3 lovies on 7/12 and when I first got them home from the petshop, ALL of them were terrified and ran over top of each other getting to the top, back corner of the cage anytime anyone came with in 3 feet of their cage!!

Now, Pete & Gladys, the pair, will only run to that corner when I get right up next to the cage and if I put my hand in there is NO WAY they want any part of me!!

But Houdini does not run away UNLESs when I put my hand in, I get closer to him than about 6 to 8 inches. He also sings and chirps and then looks to see if I am paying attention to him.

And he is extremely smart for a little "bird brain" :happy: !! They all 3 are now eating much better and the couple finished off the food cup, before they settled in to sleep. Houdini, saw the cup was empty and started chirping and clicking VERY LOUDLY, and then would look to see if I was paying attention, then he would make a point of "eyeballing" the food dish. He did this untill I got up from my chair and refilled the cup. Then he settled down to sleep for the evening!! I think he must have wanted to make sure HE had something to eat when he woke up!!:rofl:

Houdini communicates with me, he loves for me to make kissie noises, he just chirps and tries to make the same number I do each time. If I do 2 kisses, he will chirp twice, most of the time and wait for me to do it again.:whistle: I have a feeling that he will be the first one tamed enough for me to hold!!

I do NOT know their sexes, but I have emailed for a free collection kit to have them feather DNAed. Just for my own knowledge. :wink:


08-02-2006, 07:55 AM

It does sound like Houdini is the brave one. It may also be that the other two are bonded to each other, and Houdini being the out bird, has chosen to communicate with you.

Keep up the interaction. It does sound as if they are settling in. They are amazing little creatures, and as you earn their trust, it is even more amazing. Sometimes I sit with mine in awe of how much they trust me, and realize that the time I took to earn that trust was worth every second:)

08-02-2006, 10:17 AM
Hi, Patty! (It's me, Jeanie from OH.) It sounds like you are making good friends with your new birdies. Houdini may end up being your best bud.

I haven't heard of the feather testing. Let me know how that works out. I don't have a clue about the sexes of Rob and Laura. Rob's eyes are more almond shaped than Laura's, so I may have their sexes backwards.

08-02-2006, 02:01 PM
Patty, do you still have all three of them caged together? I know they're young and that might work for a little while but I do think you should be prepared to move Houdini to a separate cage. Unfortunately a fight could end in a disaster before you realize it's time to move one of them. DNA sexing will help. Even if Pete and Gladys turn out to be females, it's still possible that they will be happy caged together but I can't imagine having three of any sex in the same cage for long.

Congratulations on the progress. 3 weeks is a very short period of time and I'm sure you'll continue to make lots more progress in the weeks and months to come. :)