View Full Version : Great, now I'll probably have nightmares!

06-01-2005, 11:27 PM
You would think that after being on this planet for as long as I have that nothing could weird me out anymore. Today, after going to a local bird/fish shop for more seed (always... more seed), that was proven not so.

I went into the section where they keep the birds and was initially dissappointed to not see the two macaws that were usually set up on a stand in the middle of the room. The noise in the room was incredible. After checking out the variety of feathered adoptees, I saw the source of the major noisemakers. There they were, two juvenile sulpher cockatoos. Between the two of them, a continuos barrage of grating white noise was being sent to my ears. It was such a strange sight, they looked adult in size but, by their actions you knew what they wanted: FEED ME! Their pink mouths were continuosly agaped.

This is the closest visual analogy I can come up with to give you an impression of the experience:

So, you see what I'm trying to forget now. And yeah, they sounded like Mr. Sutherland too!:eek: I hope that I don't offend anybody here when I say there is no way on God's green earth that I would ever own one of these oddball freaks!

If you need me, I'll be rocking back and forth in the corner.

06-02-2005, 07:34 AM
LOL Tim,

You should have fed them. If you had fed them, you would have probably bonded with them, and then...... You would have some hefty explaining to do when Barb got home. Why you ask????? Cause you know you would have had to bring them home ;)

Yes..... We have your number. You are just a big O'softy :D



06-02-2005, 02:16 PM
Lori, a.k.a.: Head Agent & Recruiter for the Dark Side! ;)

Who you callin' big? :p

06-02-2005, 04:11 PM
Tim, where is that "LOL" when we need it!!!! :D I cracked up when I got to the photo of Donald! Well, I got to admit that noise almost never bothers me and I figure that if I ever decide to get rid of my husband, I'll buy a LARGE parrot! He would freak! He thinks Oliver (the finest little lovebird in the world, btw) is loud!!!! I talk and whistle to Oliver all the time cause I love to hear him call back and figure it's good for him to be vocal. My 19 yr. old is downstairs right now and has the music video station turned up as loud as it'll go (listening to RAP) and that doesn't bother me! Go figure. Must be cause I grew up with 3 sisters and we yelled (screamed) and fought all the time! :eek:

So, I guess a pair of TOO's are not in your future, right? :)

06-03-2005, 06:29 PM
Must be cause I grew up with 3 sisters and we yelled (screamed) and fought all the time! :eek:

Funny thing, I grew up with 3 sisters and 4 brothers and we yelled (screamed) and fought all the time too but, now I have much quieter life. Yes, even with 6 lovies, my life is so much easier on the ears. (Most times.)

Did I mention that my Mom was an opera singer? :eek:

You'll have to speak up...:rolleyes:

So, I guess a pair of TOO's are not in your future, right? :)
