View Full Version : amadeus meets archimedes

08-03-2006, 09:03 PM
The quarantine time was up a few days ago, so I did the deed, and now amadeus lives in the same room with me and archimedes. And, so far, archimedes has no interest whatsoever in amadeus :( For the first couple of days I did my normal routine, and observed how they'd interact. It was a chirp fest for the first few minutes, but ever since, archimedes only calls when i'm out of the room, and little amadeus tries desperately to answer them to no avail. I started playing with archimedes in front of amadeus's cage, and amadeus will get over his fear of me (still not too people friendly...very shy shy bird!!) , and climb all over upside down trying to get archimedes to notice him, but the most archimedes has done was climb behind my neck and chirp a few real loud ones right in my ear. I plan to move their cages closer in a week or so, and hopefully that will add to their interaction. But right now, I feel like I set my best buddies up on a date, and one is not willing give it a try.

ps: while I was typing this, archimedes was chewing my dodger tickets >: good thing he's so adorable.

08-03-2006, 11:04 PM
while I was typing this, archimedes was chewing my dodger tickets >: good thing he's so adorable.

YEP! Their cuteness gets them a long way:rolleyes: . The board has had our share of stories of lovies chewing up a bunch of bills, important paperwork and even cash.

Have you let the two birdies out together? This may also help their relationship as well as give you an idea of how interested they are in each other. It's funny cause some lovie relationships are instant and other's take time. I've had experience with both so if you don't think it's love at first sight, just wait and give it time.

Good Luck:D

08-04-2006, 09:24 AM

I know you are disappointed a bit that they aren't hitting it right off, but the good news, is it doesn't sound like they are being aggressive or territorial.

I look forward to hearing of your progress. Just keep in mine that slow introduction can be the key, or you might be surprised, and they will hit it right off the first time out together.

Keep us updated:)

08-04-2006, 10:32 AM
Travis, I think their relationship will change (over and over) in time. My older bird, Oliver, had ZERO interest in the new boys for several weeks. If anything, he was afraid of them and I'm not sure he knows he's a lovebird so he didn't seem to get it that they could become part of his flock. :D But, he did warm up to both of them and now, more often than not, he is perched right next to Big Boi (who feeds him, :lol) and tolerates Shy, too. He still gets a lot of attention from me but often lets me know that he's ready to go back to the bird room to play with those things that I call lovebirds. :lol

I hope your two do become very good buddies. :)