View Full Version : Why don't people understand birds??????

06-02-2005, 10:10 AM
Well I had this big organization wide meeting yesterday that happens only once a quarter. They had this ice breaker that included telling someone what makes you mad. All I could think about at that moment was the birds I see in my neighborhood who live in outside cages 24/7 with no toys or proper food and doubtful fresh water. So I told this person that people who don't care for their pets properly make me really mad. She agreed and said animal cruelty makes her mad too.

Anyway, later in the day I was showing another co worker who has met my birds several time, pics of Zimber I took with the rapid picture mode on my phone camera and the woman I had the "pet cruelty" exchange with earlier in the day was sitting at the same table and curious about the pics. When I showed her she naturally ooed and awwwed at how cute and beautiful Zim is, but she was downright shocked when I shared that he was 5 1/2 years old. She then asked how long they live and was even more shocked that I said 10 to 15 years with proper care. She was even more shocked to find out that lovebirds are intelligent beings that need mental stimulation, attention, a good diet, etc.

Later I thought HMMMMMMMM. People say they are opposed to animal cruelty and pet mistreatment but do they even know what that is. For me, animal cruelty can be having a bird that you never interact with, give toys to, clean the cage, or give it proper food and vet care. It's also having a dog you lock to a small chain in the back yard and don't let it run or give it any attention or let it come in the house to visit the family. All this makes me think about how much people need to learn about the animals we share our lives with.

Long post, but hopeful some food for thought

06-02-2005, 10:14 AM

If you are not going to love and care for your pet, why have one in the first place??????

I whole heartedly agree with your accession Laura, and wish laws were more strict, and enforced more than they are where these precious little ones are concerned.

06-02-2005, 10:19 AM
I wish it was inforced more with smaller pets. Most people never think of birds or smaller pet as being abused. I am trying to find a number to call about a pet shop near me that was terrible.


06-02-2005, 01:33 PM
I wish it was inforced more with smaller pets. Most people never think of birds or smaller pet as being abused. I am trying to find a number to call about a pet shop near me that was terrible.


Call the health dept and humane society in your state & or town. They are supposed to investigate all complaints. Good Luck!
:) Diana