View Full Version : We are back from Maine:)

08-07-2006, 01:13 PM
Mango and Kodiak made it up to Maine with no problems, they seemed to sleep together all huddled and secure in their cozi. During the next few days I decided to leave them both in the same cage which they fully enjoyed and now have completely adjusted to cohabitation. The whole week went well, since we were out and about a lot they kept each other company. They got time out and about exploring the house we rented on Mousam Lake. They are fascinated with carpet since we only have hardwood floors at home. Our friend’s little puppy kept them entertained throughout the day just watching them and jumping up and down. Mango seemed to get a kick out of that and did somersaults all over the cage wanting out to play. He sure doesn't know just how little he is and that the puppy will just want to eat him up.

Mango is just coming towards the end of his first molt (I hope it's close to the end) and will start to fly more anytime now. It has been happening for more than six weeks now and he has one flight feather on each wing that has grown out. The others will soon follow I see and he is still a little sore and complains a lot if Kodiak decides she wants to snuggle up with him or preen...or to climb all over him:) The trip back ended up being during the day and the two didn’t seem to mind at all. They spent most of it singing and looking out the windows. Mango begged to come out here and there and took some breaks to do so. All in all it was a great trip for all of us.

We all did have lobster of course and I got to see my family. My parents are also about to retire up there and were looking at lots of property. I wish the housing prices were low in Maryland like it is up there. So much nicer and I miss it again already. Another note, on Wednesday we went whale watching (I would not recommend going whale watching up there since the government has allowed over fishing and now the feeding grounds are gone, including the whales...disappointed with the company very much for not telling us ahead of time) well...while we were out there, a land bird ended up flying into the cabin of the ship extremely exhausted. They explained that sometimes the land birds get swept out by winds and can't make it back to shore since it's too far and end up falling into the sea since they can't land anywhere :( Well this was one lucky little bird and the captain was able to capture it and kept it in a safe place till we docked. The bird made it and we did end up seeing just one whale the whole five hours. It's kind of sad what is happening up there since I've been many times and never have I seen soo little activity.

08-07-2006, 01:33 PM

I'm glad you all had a good trip, and the fids did well. I've not travel farther than the vet with my two, but that is just like having two toddlers yelling from the backseat the whole way, and then cranky when we finally get back home, so I would say your two did awesome:lol

YUMMMMMM, Lobster. Did you save us any????:lol