View Full Version : Help Rebel still hates me

08-08-2006, 12:13 PM
I leave the cage open alot now and he's in my room so he's always around me and walking around my room, I try to talk to him but he everytime i say something he runs back to his cage. If he's in his cage and I walk over to close the door or change the water or feed him he hides in a corner as far away from me as he can get. what am I doing wrong?

08-08-2006, 12:35 PM
Rebel does not really hate you. You said you got him from a petsore right? He would not be as tame as if he would've been from a breeder. He is obviously scared because maybe at the petstore people spooked him there and he just does not trust humans. Just keep talkign to him and putting you hand in the hand in the cage. Let him have more time to get used to you. Try to not to push too hard with him, just give him some time. Your doing fine nothign wrong that I know of. Just be patient

08-08-2006, 06:03 PM

I think you are doing a great job with Rebel. Just be patient. Johnny was shy from me for a long time also. He longed to bond with me, but there was something that was keeping him back. I could tell he wanted to bond because he always chirped and wanted to talk to me. But when I came near him, he was shy. He trusts me now and I have had him for quite awhile. Time will heal and Rebel will come around. Just keep showing him love. You will see.

08-08-2006, 06:17 PM
Beccy, you've had him since about July 11th, right? If we didn't tell you that it can take up to six months to tame a lovebird, maybe we forgot. :confused: I read that in my favorite lovebird book, "The Lovebird Handbook" by Vera Appleyard. You've had him for just under a month and he came from a chain petstore so it's not likely he was a tame bird ever but even if they bought him as hand fed and tame, lovebirds will revert back to being wild if left in a cage in a store for a couple of weeks. That is normal and just means that you are going to have to be patient and remember that it takes time. Do you know how long he was at PetSmart before you bought him? It could have been months with no human interaction. If you continue to talk to him and go easy, you will eventually gain his trust and the time it takes will be worth it in the end. I'm sure that it's hard reading here about all the velcro birdies that so many of us have but that doesn't happen over night. I can't tell you how many thread I've read asking "will my bird ever be tame?" and then reading an update from those members, a little later, saying how much progress they've made and how sweet and tame their lovies are. I know it seems like it's taking forever but it will happen if you follow the advice given by others who have accomplished this. :)