View Full Version : frustrated

bird dad
08-10-2006, 10:20 AM
:mad: I am so frustrated, As you know I am planning to adopt 2 lovies through a bird rescue, I sent applications and emailed the rescue and have very little communication. I even sent them photos of their future home. I have heard nothing.. I have experience with lovies and wanted to get 2 more from a rescue because they really need a home. Perhaps I was too honest and told them I wanted 2 because I didn't want them to bond to me because I don't think I have enough time to be my birds best friend. After waiting several days to hear from the bird rescue, I tried contacting a few breeders, none of them have contacted me. I receive all of my email so I know it didn't go to a spam folder. I plan on giving them 2 more days and then perhaps going to area petstores or wait 2 more weeks and go to a bird show. I know I sound really impatient, but in the past, I have adopted 2 human children, 2 dogs and Lemon and Lime and never have had to wait this long to be contacted, even to say they are processing the application. They are open everyday so I don't know what the problem is. I just posted pics in the photo section if anyone would like to see them
bird dad

08-10-2006, 10:32 AM
Is it a local rescue you could visit? If so, I'd just pop in. We have a rescue here, but it's quite a distance. They don't adopt out very often and are very good to their birds. Keep us posted about your search for your lovies. :)

bird dad
08-10-2006, 10:36 AM
Jackie, they are five hours away.

08-10-2006, 10:43 AM
Very frustrating indeed! It amazes me that they are not getting back to you when these birds obviously need a good home and I would not think your honesty about wanting two should or would make a difference. I am sorry and do hope they get back to you soon.

08-10-2006, 11:10 AM
Perhaps I was too honest and told them I wanted 2 because I didn't want them to bond to me because I don't think I have enough time to be my birds best friend.
This is the kiss of death with rescues! They want to hear you say that you have more than enough time to devote to the birds you want to adopt! I, personally, find that my birds do better when they have companions that they can socialize with, as this allows them to be birds instead of thinking that they are human. I've been trying to adopt an Amazon for several yrs now but I'm deemed unacceptable because I breed lovebirds. Fact of the matter is that I don't want to breed larger birds and I interact with all of my larger parrots as one large flock. This is what they have in the wild, rather than exclusive one on one attention. Hey, it works for us! I've had larger parrots since 1991 and they are still all with me. However, I'm not a good prospect to adopt........ ~sigh~

bird dad
08-10-2006, 11:24 AM
This is the kiss of death with rescues! They want to hear you say that you have more than enough time to devote to the birds you want to adopt! I] I told this this up front and they said I would be a good candidate for this pair of females I wanted, then they said they wanted to watch me handle them. Well they aren't tame, were never tamed, what do they want to watch me get nailed a few times from their beaks, I mean honestly, They are more expensive than pet shows and some breeders, they are 3 years old. I just don't get it. I haven't heard back from them now since I sent my application.

08-10-2006, 12:04 PM
Yes, I remember reading that these two females were caged together so that is why I couldn't imagine it being a problem for you to admit that you planned to keep them together and holy moly, why would they want to see you handle them (get nailed is a pretty good description!) since they are wild birds? Unless it would be to know you could catch them if they need to go to the vet or something like that. Otherwise, that is nonsense! :(

bird dad
08-10-2006, 04:05 PM
Thanks, I thought maybe I was just being unreasonable.

08-10-2006, 04:22 PM
I think it's pretty sad that you are prepared to offer a real home to a couple of birds that don't have one, even at a greater expense than buying a regular bird at retail or a bird fair and are not hearing back from them. I have heard that bird adoptions are very hard and I know that dogs are too if they come from a specific breed rescue group and I do understand that and agree with them wanting to be sure the pet they send you will not continue to be re-homed BUT, IMHO, they do owe you a reply, even if only to say "no" to the adoption. Maybe they are short-handed as many rescue groups often are and just haven't had anyone available to reply. I really hope you hear from them soon because those birds will be missing out on a much better situation with you.

bird dad
08-10-2006, 05:30 PM
Still no word, I did some figuring with the $80.00 adoption fee and the gas for 6 hours in the car, they will end up costing $131.50. Not of course counting cage, toys food etc. As much as I hate to admit it, I could go to a petstore buy 2 without a history and still have change in my pocket. I think I will wait until Friday and then get them elsewhere.

I completely understand their thoroughness in the adoption, but I have adopted dogs through a rescue and had much less hassle, rules and they acted like they wanted to give their animals a second chance.

08-10-2006, 09:40 PM
Check your private messages.

bird dad
08-15-2006, 06:55 PM
update: 10 days after I sent them my filled application via email,,, still no word..... I am so glad I didn't wait. I do really feel sorry for the birds though

08-15-2006, 07:46 PM
update: 10 days after I sent them my filled application via email,,, still no word..... I am so glad I didn't wait. I do really feel sorry for the birds though

Well after seeing the pics of you two new birds, I'd say you made the right decision and have made 2 birds very happy!:happy: