View Full Version : Lovebird log.

08-10-2006, 04:10 PM
Name: Venus
Sex: Female
Type: Peach Faced

OK this is a log to track the progression of training my little venus.

Day 1
Today Venus came home from the pet store. She is was very nervous about her surroundings. I tried to see if she was already tame enough to just hop onto my finger. But she wasn't. So i left her in the cage and taked to her. Sang, and read out loud of my home work book. So she can get used to my voice. Then I decided to just go for it. So i gently got her out of the cage and she was nervous and flew around a bit. she got a little tired and i kept flying out of my hand but eventually after re picking her up i can get her so sit on my shoulder aor my hand. I was gunna see if i could get her to Step-Up but she is still nervous about that and she'll Fly over to the top of her cage. but i can get her to just sit with me and ride around on my should. I would say pretty suscessful for the 1st day of having her. I might POst pics tomorrow or later tonight of cute little venus. Good Bye.

UPDATE: Took her out again to see if she still was tame. was a little scared. but calmed down soon. she really likes to sit and ride around on my shoulder. she does her little beak grind when shes up there. she came into the bathroom with me lol when i took a pee and she just sat there on the drawer. shes cute. shes taking a little nap now. We'll play later

Here are some pictures.





08-10-2006, 04:27 PM
Great! :D

I hope you will, in your spare time, read back at several pages of previous post in the Behavior, Care and Miscellaneous sections. You will find years of lovebird experience and advice in many of those threads. The Lovebird Resource Library is a great place to start and can save you many mistakes. :)

08-10-2006, 04:47 PM
Thanks alot

08-10-2006, 06:20 PM

08-10-2006, 06:42 PM
Venus is very cute and looks as though settling in fairly well for the first day. Sitting in your hand and on you is a big step and that's great. Keep up the good work.

08-10-2006, 07:06 PM
Awww, what a cutie pie! :D:D:D

08-10-2006, 09:36 PM
I've decided that venus isnt a very good nave. And she responds better to Miley or Mils for short. its cuter too. :)

Buy A Paper Doll
08-10-2006, 10:18 PM
Sometimes, it takes a while for a name that fits to come to mind, doesn't it?

I think I went through half a dozen names for Milo while waiting for the DNA test to come back with his gender. He was so feisty as a baby that I was convinced he was a girl and started calling him Daisy. :roll: When we got the "It's a Boy!" call, hubby and I bickered for a day or two over his name. We ended up with Milo simply because that's what he responded to.

08-10-2006, 11:43 PM
she came into the bathroom with me lol when i took a pee and she just sat there on the drawer.

How did I miss that? :D My Oliver loves to go to the bathroom with me!:rofl:

08-11-2006, 08:03 AM
hehe. it was sooo cute too. she was like whoh where am im this is kinda cool.

08-11-2006, 04:36 PM
Day 2
Not much today. she a little fcautios twards me today but i know shes eating and she likes her millet. lol. I think her favorite spots are my sholder and the computer screen. she also enjoys the the top of her cage. shes still scared of hands but thats ok.

Heres an off side QUESTION. OK so my brother got this cockatiel around 8 years ago. We got him when it was young andhe WAS hand fed and trained. Now he is very scared of people's hands and hes a biter if you get to close. Any ideas on getting him retrained???

08-11-2006, 04:52 PM
Heres an off side QUESTION. OK so my brother got this cockatiel around 8 years ago. We got him when it was young andhe WAS hand fed and trained. Now he is very scared of people's hands and hes a biter if you get to close. Any ideas on getting him retrained???

Check your other post regarding this question. I answered there. ;)

08-13-2006, 05:44 PM
Day 3 i think
So i founf out the Miley loves thes nentendo noise makers. she loves em. but she is extra scared today. i havent been about to pick her up once today. she flys away no matter what? im open to suggestions. thx

08-13-2006, 06:09 PM
This is day three and my suggestion would be that it's still very early in your relationship so try to relax (not easy, I know) and give your birdie time....and patience. :) My favorite lovebird book, The Lovebird Handbook, says it can take up to six months to tame a lovie. It probably won't but still, 3 days is still "brand new!"

08-13-2006, 07:00 PM
i know. its a little annoying. heh. she really likes chillin in my room and sitting on the fan. lol

Buy A Paper Doll
08-13-2006, 07:57 PM
Yep, agree with Janie. Both of my birds took several weeks if not months to trust me enough to come out and hang out with me.

It's not a quick or overnight change. She will come around with patience and kindness.

08-13-2006, 08:19 PM
Birds are wild creatures, even if we have tamed them. They have never become domesticated like cats or dogs. They retain their natural instincts and, in order to tame one, you need to develop a trust relationship with them. This will not happen overnight and there are no shortcuts. It takes time, patience and lots of love. They have to want to socialize with you. You can't force them. It will only happen when they feel comfortable with you so they need time to develop their experience database with you. Take it slow. You'll get what you are looking for.

08-13-2006, 09:52 PM
i have had Titter for 3 or so weeks now and he is just starting to fly to me by will (mostly when he is scared of something). i thought mayby i was doing something wrong with taming him but now that i read this i understand better that it takes time:) he does let me pick him up but some times he just flies away again.

08-13-2006, 10:59 PM
thanks thats good. just a lot of attention and patiens and the res should come.

08-14-2006, 08:30 AM
i have had Titter for 3 or so weeks now and he is just starting to fly to me by will (mostly when he is scared of something). i thought mayby i was doing something wrong with taming him but now that i read this i understand better that it takes time:) he does let me pick him up but some times he just flies away again.

:D *Big Grin*

Great update and I'll bet you'll see more progress in the weeks/months to come! :)

08-14-2006, 12:10 PM
3 days is still "brand new!"
good point, Janie :)
You really just need to set your expectations around lovebird reality. It will take time whether you want it that way or not. Taming is so much easier once you realize that it's a long term investment. While you hear plenty of stories of lovebirds that came home snuggling on someone's shoulder, etc... there are more stories like yours. You come home and discover it's going to take time and patience. You learn to trust each other over time and experience with each other. One reason to be careful in your reactions to your lovie's behavior is that poor reactions break trust. The more consistant and caring you can be every day to your lovie, the more trust you can build. It will take months, likely. Try to measure your progress based on little successes, and the big one successes will sneak up on you.
Good luck. Remember, a lovebird can live 15+ years. You have some time to work things out. :)

08-14-2006, 12:39 PM
Lax, your PM got me to thinking, is your lovebird wing clipped? If not, I definitely do suggest that. I'm not saying that every bird has to be clipped but in most cases it is a safety issue to keep a curious bird from flying to a ceiling fan that someone forgets to turn off or flying into a window or OUT of an open window or door. Two of mine came to me very tame but w/o a wing clip, I would never have gotten them to the "trust" stage. I let both of them have full flight recently and it was just too much worry. Much as that flying around and zooming over heads was fun to watch, it's just too dangerous for most lovebirds. Oliver is my exception but he doesn't have a curious feather in his little body and never leaves me when he's with me out of the bird room. Even he was clipped on a regular basis until the last several months when it became obvious that he could remain flighted and safe.

So, if you're trying to tame a new bird that isn't clipped, I recommend one. :D

08-14-2006, 09:19 PM
Titter is cliped but it doesnt make a difference to him he can still fly. realy good actualy. he's very smart tho he flies to windows and mirrors but never hits them. but i understand there's other risk i have to be carefull with. Topaz is helping me alot with taming Titter because he does whatever Topaz does so ya :D

08-14-2006, 10:03 PM
If Titter is still flying, full strength, you might want to consider a better clip. My boys were clipped a few times and could still get around everywhere they wanted to go. They loved it but it was not really the safest clip for them. My vet took the first 5 feathers off both of them this time and they still get around very well but are also under control. :)

08-15-2006, 10:11 AM
thats how Titter is clipped. but the thing is i got him a flight cage hehe:D so he kinda still needs to fly aswell.

08-15-2006, 10:53 AM
Im getting Mileys wings cliped today! i was thinking about doing it myself yesterday. but then i decided ide see someone do it first. So ill let ya know what happenes with that. we might et chesters 9the cockatiel's cliped to so we can tame him.

08-15-2006, 12:11 PM
ok so i got her wings cliped. she really cute. she hops around and flaps about a couple of feet. She cant fly. but she falls with style. lol. shes obsessed with want to be on her cage today probally b/c she feels safe there b/c some random person touched her today when she got her wings cliped ill give her sometime to realax then we'll bond.