View Full Version : Cockatiel Question: egg laying?

08-11-2006, 01:14 AM
Hi Everyone,

I bought a cockatiel for my grandmother about 10 months ago. I don't know if this is a problem yet, but she has layed 6 eggs over the course of around a month. She is the only bird in this apartment. We got her the egg biscuits and calcium powder supplement. We haven't taken any of the eggs out of the cage. She appears to be as friendly as ever.

My question is, at what point should we be concerned about the amount of eggs she is laying?

Also, she isn't overly interested in any of her eggs, should we remove them when she appears to be finished laying eggs (if that ever happens) or sooner?

Any suggestions?

Susan :D

08-11-2006, 05:14 AM
If I recall, cockatiels are known for becoming chronic layers... I hope someone comes along with good advice - do you know how old the bird is?

Ooh, found a link!
link (http://www.holisticbirds.com/hbn03/spring03/pages/chronicEgg.htm)

08-12-2006, 01:40 AM
Thanks for the link.

I don't think I will tell my mother about the problems that can happen when birds lay eggs. (she takes care of my grandma, and the bird has helped grandma with her dementia and other problems...)

From the main story on the link, the man's cockateil layed 180 eggs over the coarse of a few years...EEEK

I will be more concerned when her number of eggs gets much higher than the 6 already...Oh goodness...so much fun :lol


08-12-2006, 03:45 AM
Sounds wise to me - 6 eggs would be the high end of normal for a lovebird, not sure about a tiel - I'm glad your gramma gets theraputic value from her pet, they are so wonderful :)

Best of luck!

08-18-2006, 01:01 AM
Well, the cockatiel has layed yet another egg...up to 7.

The sad thing is that Grandma is going downhill fast. Looks like I will not only have my 2 lovebirds and another if a few weeks...so 3 lovies, 2 dogs, a 50g African Cichlid fish tank, a roommate with a 70g and 30g fishtank....I will be getting a cocketiel too.

Oh goodness...too bad tiels and lovies don't get along. The bigger bird would lose that fight.

I feel like I am in the middle of a pet store...I LOVE IT (sorta)!


08-18-2006, 09:56 PM
Did I say 7 eggs..well now there are 8?????

My mother thinks that she may be laying so many eggs because my grandma has become 'so whacky'....

Oh well, when the tiel ends up here, hopefully the change in environment will curb her egg laying.:confused:

08-18-2006, 10:53 PM
Hi Susan,
I've bred Tiels before and I usually saw 4-6 eggs/clutch. If the hen is not paying much attention to the eggs, it almost sounds like she's double clutched (laid back to back clutches). Tiel hens can become chronic egg layers if you're not careful. I guess I was lucky that mine didn't lay without a nestbox. Don't ask me how I got so lucky............