View Full Version : Oops! My Mistake

08-11-2006, 08:30 AM
So I was ready to take Sammy out for his evening cuddle last night, around 9 p.m. He snuggles up my bathrobe sleeve and falls asleep near my hand -- not really normal for a lovie, but he's my little day-1 handfed boy, although he's a couple of years old now.

Anyway, we hadn't put the lights on yet because it wasn't absolutely dark in the house. I opened up his cage door and like normal, he pushed ahead of his cage mate and brother, Didjit, and jumped onto my chest. He gave me a little kiss, and he is the only bird in the flock who does that.

I brought him to the livingroom and was surprised that he was cuddled up close to my neck. "What spooked this bird?" That was my first thought. He flew back to the cage. I brought him back to the livingroom and tried to get him to go up my bathrobe sleeve, like normal. He went, but he did not want to stay there! He squirmed out and went back up to my neck, nervous as anything! And he flew back to the cage.

Tim went to the cage and noticed that "Didjit" didn't nibble on Tim's fingers like normal. He was trying to look around them at me, and was making himself tall to see what was going on. "Um, which bird do you have?" Tim asked.

Oh yes. I had the wrong bird out! :blush:

It gives me a good idea of where Didjit is at with his socialization. He has been watching Sammy, and he wanted to give this little evening ritual of Sam's a try. I guess he didn't like it as much as he thought he would. :rolleyes:

08-11-2006, 08:44 AM
Barb! :rofl: Too funny! I can't tell you how many times I have Big Boi and think I have Shy and visa versa! Soon as I get a hard ear nibble I realize I have Big Boi! :D

08-11-2006, 09:37 AM
:lol I could see me mistaking Bongo for Barney, because their appearance is almost identical -- except that Barney is noticably bigger than Bongo. He always has been.

Sammy and Didjit, though, have such different coloring from each other! It would have to be a trick of the light for me to mistake one for the other. That and Didjit's behavior managed to fake me out. ;)

08-11-2006, 09:43 AM
:lol Sounds like Didgit wanted to see what all the fun was about only to find out it wasn't his cup of tea. :lol I've done this with Daisy & Piper. Their yellow is about the same shade and even Molly has mistaken them. Scared the death out of Molly cause Daisy is a mean girl with the boys.

08-11-2006, 09:58 AM

I think that is adorable. Didgit is following Sammy's lead. Sounds like he did like it all except for the cuddling part. I bet given time, he will find out how nice it is to snug up with Mama too though:)

08-11-2006, 10:54 AM
He did snug up to my neck pretty well. :D Big bad Didjit acted just like a little baby! I was glad that he looked to me for protection.

Sammy was a little needy after that, but he got to stay out extra long. He knows he's not being supplanted any time soon.

08-11-2006, 03:33 PM
That's cute, Barb!
I can see how it happened in dim lighting. I don't really want to talk about the time I reached up, thinking I was picking up Dao, only to find I got Georgia instead. She wasn't quite sure how to react when I laid her on her back in my arms........ :eek: Thankfully, all body parts remained in tact!