View Full Version : Taming help plzz

08-11-2006, 04:41 PM
OK so my brother got this cockatiel around 8 years ago. We got him when it was young andhe WAS hand fed and trained. Now he is very scared of people's hands and hes a biter if you get to close. Any ideas on getting him retrained???

08-11-2006, 04:50 PM
I'd approach him just like if it was his first day in your home. If he has full flight, I'd recommend a wing clip to start with. Sitting near him, talking to him and letting him get used to someone being close to him again. Offering treats, such as millet or his favorite food with those scary hands is a good way to start.
I adopted three cockatiels from someone, two are siblings and 8 years old and the older is now 19. All are tame, but do not like hands. They will all step up onto your finger, but prefer sitting on your shoulder. Working with your tiel on stepping up would be my second suggestion for re-taming. Maybe take him into a small room, like a bathroom and practice step ups in there where he can't fly or run off very far.
As with any bird, patience and consistency are the key.
Good luck!

p.s. Once quarantine for your new lovie is over, you will want to be very careful if you want to let the tiel and lovie play together. My lovies will all chase and scare and try to bite the tiels. Lovebirds are little bullies! :lol

08-11-2006, 05:10 PM
MJ's advice is so good that I don't have a single thing to add and don't think I could have done half as good a job in replying! :D

08-12-2006, 08:57 AM
HEH. Thank you. :)