View Full Version : Stuffing paper in their feathers?

08-12-2006, 11:21 AM
Hi all! I have a question about one of my birds behavior-- in the past few days he has been totally more fanatic than usual about shredding paper! I stuck a lunch sack in their cage and he loved it, but then started sticking the paper under his wings and in his feathers. This sounds kind of familiar... and I think I even remember seeing a pic. of it on this site... but I don't remember the reasons WHY? Does anyone know? And is it gender specific??? Thanks for any answers and/or guesses better than mine.

08-12-2006, 11:46 AM
That is nesting behavior. Normally famles do this but i heard some males do this. Are you sure its a male?

08-12-2006, 02:32 PM
While not unheard of in males, this is typical nesty hen behavior. I have three males and not a single one of them has ever shredded piece of paper or tucked. I take that back, Oliver did once stick a piece of his popsicle toy in his chest feathers. :D All three of mine do like to chew paper, kind of like eating corn on the cob but they don't make strips, more like spit balls.

08-12-2006, 04:22 PM
Yep, tucking is usually a hen characteristic, but males have been know to do this also. I have a hen who is a professional stripper & tucker :lol If it can be stripped into pieces, she can do it. My other three (including my other female) either don't strip or strip a little. Olivia can stirp several pieces at one time (like with a magazine) and my other three grab her strips like it's a grand prize :rolleyes: She tucks everything she chews. I've never seen a hen get so nesty, but (knock on wood) she has not laid any eggs. I'm waiting and I'm sure it's gonna happen. :eek:

08-12-2006, 04:36 PM
If she lays an egg and Daisy is the daddy, I want a baby from that clutch! :D

Buy A Paper Doll
08-12-2006, 05:33 PM
Jackie, I thought Milo was the only non-shredding bird who did this! He does try to tuck in his chest feathers (like Oliver) but he's just not very good at it. He stands around waiting for Melody to shred and tuck a strip of paper. The SECOND she turns her back on him, he's picked it out of her feathers and is running as fast as he can with it!

08-12-2006, 06:31 PM
If she lays an egg and Daisy is the daddy, I want a baby from that clutch! :D:rofl: Sorry, Janie, that one I'd have to keep :rofl:

Jennifer, One day I had a grocery store ad (two pgs connected in the middle) and Olivia chewed a strip from the top to the bottom - about 22 inches long :eek: I had to break it into pieces for Daisy, Piper & Molly to chew on :rolleyes: Of course, Olivia tucked her small pieces (7-8") into her rump and chest. It's too cute!

08-22-2006, 02:13 PM
My little lovebird is 12 and she has stuffed paper in her wings as long as I can remember, I was also told it is for nesting and weaving.

08-23-2006, 05:49 AM
Poirot tries to help Miss Lemon with shredding and tucking. He manages to get one shred of paper in his tail in the time it takes her to do about 15, and then his immediately falls out as he tries to take it to the nest site. Bless.