View Full Version : Video: Kodiak singing while napping

08-13-2006, 09:36 PM
Notice how Mango tries to wake Kodiak up several times to make her stop and for neck rubs:p


08-13-2006, 09:43 PM
Cute! Very cute! :D

08-13-2006, 09:56 PM
haha Titter does that too:lol

Buy A Paper Doll
08-13-2006, 09:59 PM
Yep, that's pretty much what Melody does alllllllllllllll afternoon. Chatter chatter chirp chip chip chip cheep clickityclickity beepbeepbeep whistle.

Alllllllllllllll afternoon.

08-13-2006, 10:46 PM
Awww! Too cute! Tobey was "talking" back to the video as I was playing it! He was very excited! :rofl:

Purpose By Design
08-14-2006, 11:17 PM
wow! they are so pretty

08-15-2006, 07:00 AM
Of course Mango wants some neck rubs, what better way to be put to sleep than a little massage;)

They are adorable. My birds enjoyed the video as well. They love to look at the cheeping birdies on the monitor, and yours sure gave them a show:)