View Full Version : Will my lovie still know me when i return??

Purpose By Design
08-14-2006, 10:52 PM
We have had Sydney (lutino lovie) for one year now and he is extremely tame and a very loving bird (will fly to anyone who is a stranger to say hello) :happy: .

My husband and i will be leaving for one month to go overseas( 11/06) and Sydney will be going to some family members for this time that we will be away.
We are concerned that he wont know us when we get back.Are there anyone who can give us some advice on this matter?
And also When we moved 11months ago,for the first week Sydney wasnt himself he was very nervious and scared because he didnt know his surroundings.

What can we do to help him not be so nervious when we are away,helping him be comfortable.

08-15-2006, 07:06 AM

Sydney will remember you, but he may be a bit put out for a little while, or he may just be overjoyed to see you. Just don't forget to bring him one of his favorite treats when you get back. A little treat is always good;)

I have called and left mine a message on the answering machine so they can hear my voice. Some say that this might confuse them, but my hubby said that mine go nuts when they hear my voice trying to find me. I don't know that it's a good thing, but they do hear my voice, so it keeps them used to it, and fresh in their mind. I've only left mine for one week, so a month may be a bit different, but you can have your family try it, and see how it works for you.

Have a safe trip.

08-15-2006, 12:45 PM
No doubt about it, he'll remember you! :D I'm sure the move to family will be an adjustment for him but you're lucky that he likes strangers and he'll probably adjust quickly. Just leave them details of his normal routine and that will help with the adjustment while you're away.

08-23-2006, 07:18 AM
He will definitely remember you, I left mine for six weeks once and as soon as she heard my voice when I returned she let out an almighty shriek. Just tell whoever looks after him to keep his routine the same, these little birds are much tougher than you think, don't worry, he will be fine.

08-26-2006, 08:54 PM
He'll remember. I left my little one for about 9 months before, and she was VERY happy to see me when I was able to take her home.