View Full Version : Been gone awhile

Jill Page
08-16-2006, 07:14 PM
Hi everyone, I have been gone awhile, busy with lovie babies. Fred and Ethel had a 2nd clutch of 5 eggs. I performed what i call an "egg section" on all but 2 of those eggs. The 3 babies that i performed the egg section on are now about 9 wks old and i have already sold one and the other two are "promised." I feel like an egg-section expert now!!!! For some reason, they were having trouble completely getting out of the egg even though the humidity was 65% in the nest box etc.

Fred and Ethel have been put on hiatus and are not looking too happy. Their last clutch was in June. Can I give them a 3-month hiatus and then let them get to work again in September? BTW, they are both lutinos and one of my babies came out a creamino (is that rare at all?), she has a hint of peach color on the top of her head, but since she is still young, i don't know if it will get darker.


08-16-2006, 07:45 PM
Hi Jill,

Good to hear from you again. I don't think it's unusal for two Lutino's to have a Creamino. My Daisy's a Creamino and both of her parents were Lutino (I was told). Aslo my Molly is a Lutino and both his parents are Lutino. Molly & Daisy came from the same breeder, but she told me they were from two separate sets of parents. I'll let the experts fill you in on the genetics. It confuses me :confused:

08-16-2006, 07:55 PM
Hey Jill,

Good to see you. I'm glad all is well with Fred and Ethel, and would love to see pics of the babies if you have any.

The fact that you got a creamino means that you have a blue series lutino. I'm not that up on the genetics of it all, but that part I know;)



08-16-2006, 08:17 PM
Both your lutinos are split for blue, hence the creamino baby:omg:
Good to see you back !!