View Full Version : Archimedes and Amadeus update

08-16-2006, 10:41 PM
Well, my little guys have been introduced, and their cages have gone from across the room to right next to each other. When Archimedes comes out to play with me, I let him climb around Amadeus's cage, and now they're seemingly very interested in each other. I'm eager to let them meet 'in person' so they can physically interact, but am worried since Amadeus is still deathly afraid of me. Would it help to bring Archimedes in the bathroom when I work with Amadeus? Since he's 'tame,' or I should say not afraid of me in the least, would it help Amadeus to see him interact with me? Thanks!

08-17-2006, 07:27 AM
Travis, personally I like that idea! I do think that they observe each other and how the other one acts. I think the very reason Shy wants to be on me every time he sees me is because he's watched Oliver fly to me. When I first got Big Boi and Shy, both were hand-fed and socialized but they didn't know me and while Big Boi was out going from the start, Shy was not. The more I held Big Boi and played with him, the more Shy warmed up to me and wanted to be in the middle of everything Big Boi and I were doing. I know the reason that Oliver's eating habits have improved is from watching Big Boi and Shy eat. Yesterday he climbed a leather strip and that doesn't sound like a big deal but for Oliver is was a huge deal. There is no doubt that he did it because he's watched them do it for months and finally got the nerve to try it himself. So yes, give it a try! What you might do is take them both in the bathroom and let Amadeus watch you play with Achimedes first and then switch. :)

How does Amadeus react when Achimedes climbs on his cage? If he's not trying to bite his feet, that is a good sign. It is hard to say how they're going to get along until you let them out together and if you are right there, you can react immediately if you see trouble. Do they take a bath in a bowl? That was a good first meeting for my three......they all took a bath together. :D

08-17-2006, 07:58 AM
I'd add something, but I think Janie said it all. I just wanted to agree:D

08-17-2006, 09:39 AM
I went through something similar with Blu and Phoebe. I thought that by having Blu inthe bathroom with us it would help. The problem was they only wanted to interact with each other. Phoebe would try to fly to Blu or Blu would be jealous and push Phoebe asside.

I had to take Phoebe by herself in the bathroom in order to be able to work with her and actually make progress.

Phoebe watches Blu and I interact every day. For the longest time I made a point to ask Blu to step up first so Phoebe could watch. I'd give Blu kisses in front of Phoebe and Blu would volunteer to offer kisses too. She'd watch Blu hop on my shoulder as I walk by the cage. And she'd watch her take food from my hands.

Simple things like that have made it easier to teach Phoebe. She now steps up before I can even ask her. She sees the hand comming and she hops. She now lets me kiss her and sometimes will kiss back.

If I had to do it over again with another bird, while in training sessions it would be one on one. Outside of training sessions, I involve both birds in verything they do.

Hope this helps, you have two sides to the story. I gues it depends on the bird's personality too :)

08-17-2006, 09:50 AM
The problem was they only wanted to interact with each other.

Elle, I thought about that and I did have to work with Shy and Big Boi separately but they were already bonded when I bought them so my goal was to get each to bond to me. Since Travis has not yet had his birds out together, I thought maybe it might work for him to have both in the bathroom so that Amadeus could observe the interaction with Achimedes. Hard to say if it will work but worth a try maybe. I agree that under normal circumstances, one on one is the way to go. :) I really do think they copy each others behavior often.

08-17-2006, 09:58 AM
Elle, I thought about that and I did have to work with Shy and Big Boi separately but they were already bonded when I bought them so my goal was to get each to bond to me. Since Travis has not yet had his birds out together, I thought maybe it might work for him to have both in the bathroom so that Amadeus could observe the interaction with Achimedes. Hard to say if it will work but worth a try maybe. I agree that under normal circumstances, one on one is the way to go. :) I really do think they copy each others behavior often.

They pick up each other's habbits all day long. Mine have more fun just impressing the **** out of me every day, at any moment but not when I want them to :lol