View Full Version : bonding

bird dad
08-17-2006, 02:27 PM
Hi all,

I have a question? on Sunday i bought 2 beautiful lovies that are hand tamed and were very friendly and interactive. Since then I have played with them twice daily for around 15 minutes. Play consists of playing on a gym, riding my shoulder and walking around a table. The regular peach face lovebird Toshi, used to be the braver one and would jump out of the cage to join the fun. For the last two days, he doesn't want to come out, bit me once and prefers to play in his sleep hut. I guess my question is, can they revert to wild birds in 4 days? I believe he is a male and my other lovebird is a female. Could it be that since they were caged together and are being caged together, that he has bonded with chibi ? I know I haven't given them much time to adjust completely. I don't want to force attention on him, nor do I want to separate them. sorry this is so long. What are your thoughts? I know I probably should have gotten one, but once school starts I am very busy being chauffer and tutor that I thought 2 would be better for the birds. What are your thoughts?
thanks again birddad
thanks bird dad.

08-17-2006, 02:45 PM
I know with mine, their personalities were changing all the time when first got them (tame)

Cash was always the first one out of the cage, and Fiesta always shadowed. Moving too quickly around them one afternoon, they flew away and were much more timid for the next few days. Some days they were too nervous to come out. They're both fine now. Just keep woing with your birds. The schedule will really help.

08-17-2006, 03:02 PM

I would keep a close watch on Toshi. Also monitor his weight. Are you sure he is a male, seems a like a female to me, with the nipping. Toshi will most than likely bond to Chibi, unless they fight and you need to separate them. If they bond to one another, they will still bond to you. Just be certain you hold them every day. I have 4 birds, two in each cage. They are bonded to me and to each other. I agree that with your busy schedule it is better to have two together as the birds are very socialable and need interaction.

08-17-2006, 03:02 PM

The wanting to stay in the hut may or may not be a hen thing, but I do take mine out during the day, or my hen would stay in there 24/7. You can put it in at night to sleep in, but I would take it out in the morning. Do this, and see if the attitude changes any.

bird dad
08-17-2006, 03:09 PM
Thanks all, I will take it out in the morning. If he doesn't want to step up should I let him remain in the cage or try to take Toshi out. As for sex, I am not 100% positive, I haven't had them tested yet. Toshi did shred some paper. Chibi hasn't but is only 2 months old.

08-17-2006, 03:34 PM
I would say they need more interaction too.... 30 minutes of an entire 24 hour day really isn't that long...

08-17-2006, 06:03 PM
David, as said above, I would remove that happy hut/cozy every morning and give them double the interaction time. :)

bird dad
08-17-2006, 09:39 PM
UPDATE, This afternoon, I coaxed out Toshi with some millet and he ate the millet sprig and then played on my shoulder and the tinkertoys creation, Chibi the shy one, came to the edge of the cage, then flew about 2 feet to the gym had a treat, then they both got on my shoulder and we did a tour of the livingroom dining room, looked at the dogs over the gate and then played on the gym and then back into the cage.

bird dad David

08-17-2006, 09:56 PM
David, :D:D:D

08-17-2006, 11:44 PM
David: I would just be consistent in giving them as much out of the cage time as possible. Since these lovies like to be on your shoulder, there are a number of things you can do while they are out. In fact, there is always one bird or another on me as I get ready for work, eat, work on computer, do chores, watch t.v. etc.

Good luck:D

08-18-2006, 08:03 AM
In fact, there is always one bird or another on me as I get ready for work, eat, work on computer, do chores, watch t.v. etc.

Laura, somehow I kinda figured that! :D I only have three and it seems like I always have one or more on me, too. Shy, my brave boy, stays on my shoulder when I vacuum. That used to be my one chore that guaranteed me a little alone time but Shy got used to the noise and that was the end of that! :lol