View Full Version : Abbreviations and Acronyms

08-20-2006, 10:54 PM
In society we use abbreviations/acronyms for so many sayings etc. Now in the internet world it has become a new language of sorts. LOL has become a normal part of my online vocabulary.

I have found at least one acronym in this forum that I have yet to decipher, FID. Probably very common in the bird world, but has yet to enter my online vocabulary. I was thinking this could be a useful thread for those who are new to the forum and bird world.

Most commonly used in cyberspace:

IMHO : In my humble opinion. (which I saw first on this forum and I hopefully figured it out correctly)
LOL: Laugh out loud
LMBO (or LMAO): Laugh my bum off (or, you can figure out what the A means...LMBO)
ROFL: roll on floor laughing
BBL: be back later
BRB: be right back
ss: so sorry

Sadly the only bird reference acronym I have learned:
DIS: dead in shell

I know I am forgetting some common ones. I ask everyone to add more and PLEASE tell me what FID means....it's driving me mad...LOL

Thanks all,

08-20-2006, 11:13 PM
FID: feathered kid:happy: :lol

FIDS: feathered kids

08-20-2006, 11:19 PM
Ok, since we are on the subject, does anyone know what <3 means? I've never been able to figure that one out, and it has always kind of bugged me. :confused:

08-20-2006, 11:47 PM
Most often I've seen <3 used as a sign for "love..." or a heart sideways....
otherwise, it's indicative of something being "less than 3"...

08-21-2006, 12:02 AM
Yep <3 is a heart...took me very long to get that one.

Oh the days when I had to ask what LOL is.....sigh

THANKS KIM....now I know...I would never have figured out that FID meant Feathered Kid..LMBO..that is a good one.

08-21-2006, 12:30 AM
(bows head in shame) I'm 18, and I still haven't figured all of it out. I missed the beginning of the chatspeak phase, and I never caught up.

08-21-2006, 02:33 AM
there is PMSL can take that 2 ways. oops
with IMHO. Here in U.K. that means In My Honest Opinion
1 that Lori uses is. TTYL= Talk to you Later.
cant think of any more at mo. but try if i can get on, with some more.

08-21-2006, 08:50 AM
Susan, :D.....I think "FID" is an acronym that is solely part of this forum! I'm not sure that it's used on other bird forums but then again, I don't visit other forums (one is plenty for me! :D) so I'm not sure.

I did not start using a computer till about 5 years ago and let me tell you, I did not have a clue what any of the abbreviations/acronyms meant. My sons kept telling me how "lame" I was! :lol Fortunately, they did help me out a little bit. I thought LOL was "lots of laughs" for at least a year! :whistle: My first forum experience was on a wild bird forum and lord, there were abbreviations in every single post.....mainly because they were referring to the species of wild birds by their field guide name, i.e. TRES would be Tree Swallows and EABL would be Eastern Bluebirds, etc. Talk about clueless! :D

<3 is a new one for me....don't think I've ever noticed seeing it before! :whistle: My son just walked through the room and I asked him and he said "love", it's the sign of a heart. Then he said, "DUH, mom!" :lol

08-21-2006, 09:00 AM

Don't feel so clueless. The only one I know is "FID" :whistle: I really don't like it when I see abbreviations or acronyms. It's too confusing and I understand that some of them have more than one meaning. My thing is, if you're gonna say it spell it out! :p

08-21-2006, 09:20 AM
Janie, lots of people have different definitions for LOL. Some people use it as "lots of luck." :D

As for fid, I think the word was coined by a pretty well known bird expert. Linda would know who it was. For that reason, she won't use it in any of the articles she sometimes writes for magazines, or in interviews for articles. :)

08-21-2006, 09:23 AM
Another well known term is "bappy" (baby parrot). This one was coined by Sally Blanchard, author of Pet Bird Report.

08-21-2006, 09:39 AM

I don't think many people know what FID means. For this reason I try to put the meaning in () when posting for any new folks joining in. I think alot of people have picked up on the more common ones used, but FID is unique to bird people, and then not all have seen it used either.

We also use abbreviations for parrot species. I'm sure you've seen them, and also abbreviations for diseases, tests, etc.... I have a GCC, which is a Green Cheek Conure for example. I think maybe a little list for what we use is good. I've seen other boards that do have a list of things they commonly use, so it might be a very good idea:)

08-21-2006, 10:01 AM
having a list of abbreviations/acronyms would be a great idea:D i had no idea what FID or GCC conure meant i figured GCC out after a while though cuz someone put it in brackets (forget who) and i knew FID had something to do with birds :P
i dont know if this is a real one but i often use
'btw' as by the way
i found another one which also brought me on another one
w/o = without
w/e = whatever

08-21-2006, 01:32 PM
Hi All,

I use acronyms/abbreviations quite often. Sorry Jackie:whistle: I think it's from when I was in college, taking turbo notes...lol (I don't think I have written with or without until now...lol w/ & w/o are my fav. aside from LOL).

I remember noticing others now that green cheek conure (GCC) was pointed out.

I knew FID had to do with our feathered friends, I knew the 'F' stood for Feathered, but the 'ID' was driving me crazy...thanks for the clear up all.


08-21-2006, 02:15 PM
Janie, lots of people have different definitions for LOL. Some people use it as "lots of luck." :D

As for fid, I think the word was coined by a pretty well known bird expert. Linda would know who it was. For that reason, she won't use it in any of the articles she sometimes writes for magazines, or in interviews for articles. :)

Well, I knew that LOL mean lots of luck in the OLD day, i.e. before the internet but had no idea what it meant until a few years ago by the new definition.

No joke??? I thought "Fid" came from this forum and didn't know other bird people knew about it! :lol

I'll admit it, I love the abbreviations....less typing. ;) Don't always know what they mean but I'm not afraid to ask! :D Now, is the abbrev. for a Cockatoo "Too" or U2 or what????? Hmmmm, I know U2 is a band and I guess it could also be an Umbrella Cockatoo, right? That African Grey's are another one that confused me because of the different types. TAG, CAG, etc. :whistle:

08-21-2006, 02:30 PM

It's ok >o I just get confused with some of them. The ones about birds I know, but it's the stuff from the younger crowd (teens, college...) I don't get sometimes. I didn't grow up (60's,70's) with computers and this is the only message board I frequent. I'll just have to ask if I don't get it :whistle:

08-21-2006, 07:05 PM
Opened up my new issue of BirdTalk Magazine today and on page 24 they have an article about this very thing! :D THEY call peachies PFLB! :lol They will always be peachies to me! ;)

08-22-2006, 12:45 PM
more abbreviations
ttfn tata for now
gtg got to go
jj just joking

08-22-2006, 10:49 PM
(sp?) beside a word means 'I am not sure of the spelling'

(((((name))))) means hugs, as in 'I am giving you a hug'

08-22-2006, 11:47 PM
I'll admit it, I love the abbreviations....less typing. ;) Don't always know what they mean but I'm not afraid to ask! :D Now, is the abbrev. for a Cockatoo "Too" or U2 or what????? Hmmmm, I know U2 is a band and I guess it could also be an Umbrella Cockatoo, right? That African Grey's are another one that confused me because of the different types. TAG, CAG, etc. :whistle:

Janie: I believe Too is the general term that doesn't specify which kind of Cockatoo you are speaking about. You are right about the U2. There are tons more like M2, T2, or C2. Now TAG=Timneh African Grey and CAG=Congo African Grey. The grey's are easy to differentiate if you are to see them in person. The timnehs are much smaller than the congos and their beaks are half light and half black unlike the congos who have entirely black beaks. The timnehs also have a more maroon tail and the congos' are bright red. My Mijo is a CAG and he's on the big side of Congo's. I've only seen one timneh in person and she was a lot smaller than Mijo.

Anyway, there are lists of parrot abbreviations. It can be fun trying to guess what they are:cool: :cool: .

08-23-2006, 08:23 AM
Opened up my new issue of BirdTalk Magazine today and on page 24 they have an article about this very thing! :D THEY call peachies PFLB! :lol They will always be peachies to me! ;)Janie, I read that article last night. Funny, I don't get a lot of the acronyms, but the avian ones I do :p