View Full Version : Birds, kids and cage update.

bird dad
08-21-2006, 05:06 AM
Well I can't believe I did it but, my son persuaded me into allowing him to get his lovebirds, I guess what did it was besides quoting from books about lovebird care and how one should play with them and how often, He also wrote out a schedule of daily bird care, cleaning and playtime. I really think he wants and can do it, so I consented it. I found a huge used cage for him and he spend 3 hours, scrubbing, sterilizing it and another 2 hours setting it up. It is apx. 61 inches from floor to top. 36 wide and 25 deep. It was a steal so I couldn't pass it up.
We picked up his lovebirds on Saturday , they are crosses between fishchers and peaches so have the darker face, he is colorblind so to him, His are prettier than the non hybridized birds. They are incredibly tame and he spends about 45 minutes with them each day, in 15 minute increments. Once school starts it will be around 1/2 hour of play time a day.
I have attached pictures, enjoy

bird dad

08-21-2006, 07:52 AM
Way To Go Bird Dad and SON!! Pretty neat cage set up for two lucky birdies!!

08-21-2006, 08:00 AM
Wow, nice roomy cage! They should be very happy in it. And they are both very pretty. Are they clutchmates?

bird dad
08-21-2006, 08:06 AM
Are they clutchmates? I don't believe so.

bird dad

08-21-2006, 08:36 AM
Well, after he was so thorough in his research, and has made up care schedule, how could you say no????;)

Seriously, he seems to have put much thought into it, and that shows responsibility, and how strong his desire was to have these birds. I am sure he will do wonderful with them, and of course he has you all to teach him.

I will look forward to updates, and his progress. Please do have him post here about his babies. We all like to brag about our little ones:)

08-21-2006, 08:39 AM
David, gee, what a surprise! :D Not really! :D

As I said in my second reply to you (when you originally posted this question) I try to talk "most" people out of getting a bird when it's for a kid but that is due to lack of parent involvement. First off, I have no doubts that your son will be very responsible from your description of his research and reading and now that schedule and second, I know that you would step in if need be and take care of the bird. A young boy up the street from me fell in love with my Oliver and really wanted a lovebird. I know he would have been a very responsible owner, even at 11 years old but his mother made it clear that she did not want to end up caring for the bird when he goes off to college, etc. so I did tell Trent that he should wait and get his bird when he moves into his first apartment, probably his 2nd year of college. The very reason I ended up adopting Oliver was when his former owner left for her freshman year in college and her parents did not want to take care of him. Lucky me, lucky Oliver but many birds would not be so lucky.

Another former neighbor did let their 12 years old son get a lovie, w/o asking my advice ahead of time, and that bird ended up caged 24 hours a day and covered most of the day. :( His mother could not stand to hear Karl chirp and they all were afraid to try to handle him. After a year and a half of that I was able to talk them in to letting me re-home Karl through my breeder. Karl is now called "Lucky" and in a wonderful loving home with a young girl who has him out of the cage often.

A lot depends on the kid but more than that, the parents willingness to make sure the bird (or any pet) is cared for and I know you'll do that! :D

Congratulations!!!! :)

08-21-2006, 10:15 AM
sounds like your son realy is ready for lovebirds :D
your cage doors look like mine which are the kind that simply just slide up i might be wrong. ive heard alot about lovebird's ability to escape so if they are that simple i would sugest puting clips on them if you have not done so already

bird dad
08-21-2006, 03:51 PM
So far so good, He is being really good about sticking to his schedule so far, I am noticing that he goes in his room often to check on them and say hi.

bird dad

08-21-2006, 05:03 PM
I think it is absolutely great to see a child, like your son, so interested in his birds. Granted, he has only had them for a couple of days, and that interest might fade, but you never know. Every child is different.

I have a son, who is almost 10, and he is completely in love with one of my lovies, Razzle. He spends hours with Razzle everyday; in a lot of ways he is more my son's bird than mine, because Razzle prefers him over me. My son even calls Razzle his "study buddy". He claims Razzle helps him with his homework (he always has him on his shoulder while doing it). The truth is, however, that Razzle really does help him. See, my son has a learning disability, and he gets very discouraged with his school work. So I told him, when he is doing his homework, that Razz wants to learn too, so my son will "teach" him as he goes along- and Razzle just LOVES listening to him. It has proven to be just the thing my son needed to encourage him to want to succeed.

Alright, I am babbling, but my point is that encouraging our children to develop special bonds with their pets is a great way to booster self confidence. In the end it is us, as parents, that set the example. I don't think my son would have ever been so interested in birds if he hadn't seen my interest. (His teachers are always telling me how he knows so much about birds and always talks about them at school.) In you son's case, bird dad, it is apparent that you will make a great role model for him, as you are already proven how much you care about yours, by being here and trying to learn all you can about them. :)

bird dad
08-21-2006, 05:46 PM

thanks for sharing your story, it is so heartwarming.

Bird dad

08-21-2006, 07:46 PM
Christine, my almost 21 year old son is also LD and that was the very reason we got a dog for him when he asked for one. He was in the 3rd grade at the time and it was a huge self esteem booster for him. He's now in his junior year of college. :) Five years of tutoring, twice a week, at an LD school did help. Lord, I could write a book on that.

I'm so glad that Razzle is such a help to him and I'm not at all surprised. :)

08-21-2006, 08:16 PM
Hey nice cage! cute birds too! Congratulations!

08-22-2006, 05:38 AM
He's now in his junior year of college. :)

You must be so proud!

My son doesn't go to a LD school, but he is in a terrific LD program. That, along with his special bond with Razzle, has helped him so much in the last couple years. :)

08-22-2006, 08:24 AM
Christine, I've sent you a PM! :D