View Full Version : Sleeping in weird positions?

08-28-2006, 05:51 PM
I'm not sure if sleeping in weird positions will have an adverse affect of my lovebird, Poe, but I've taken to removing his swing at night, because the little bugger somehow gets ontop of it (with ~1 1/2 inches of space) to sleep. Just looking at him in that position gives me a neck ache.

Should I be "encouraging" him to sleep somewhere else by moving and removing things, or just let him sleep where ever?

08-28-2006, 06:12 PM
I'm inclined to say let him sleep "where ever".....as long as everything in the cage is safe and that would apply to day time as well as night. I've read about birds that sleep holding on to the cage bars all night long and while it sounds terrible it's obviously their choice since they have several other perches that they could choose. I would love for my older bird, Oliver, to crawl into a cozy and rest his little body at night but he won't and nothing I can say or do will change that. He's afraid of them and he isn't about to step inside! He sleeps on either a rope or wooden perch every night. My other two can't wait to crawl into their cozies. Go figure!

Buy A Paper Doll
08-28-2006, 06:18 PM
My Milo sleeps ON his cozy, not in it. Pretty much always has, except when he had a hammock. This cannot possibly be comfortable, as you say, there's only an inch or so of space up there, and it's not like there's a good place for him to perch, even. But every morning I find him there, perched on top of his cozy like Snoopy on top of his doghouse. :roll:

I might have to find his old hammock (stopped giving it to him when Melody was in the cage with him) and put it back in there.

08-28-2006, 06:25 PM
Yep. I'd let him sleep wherever he wants (as long as it's safe). There's a woman on another board who has a budgie that sleeps hanging upside down from the top of her cage like a bat. :lol

Ditto sleeps in his happy hut at night but I've seen him taking naps while doing a split with one foot holding onto a toy and the other on the cage bars. Makes me hurt just looking at him. :eek:

08-28-2006, 06:31 PM
I have several birds that like to sleep just like that- on the top of their swings, just kind of clinging to it. Or ones that hop onto the top of one of their toys. And I, too, also had a budgie once that slept like a bat, hanging upside-down. I don't get how clinging to ANYTHING could possibly be comfy, but hey, they probably don't understand how their weird humans can be comfy lying down either. :lol I say just let him do whatever comes natural. :)

08-28-2006, 06:45 PM
Ditto sleeps in his happy hut at night but I've seen him taking naps while doing a split with one foot holding onto a toy and the other on the cage bars. Makes me hurt just looking at him. :eek:

Tango does this too, only during the day, he sleeps in his happy hut at night, when I put it in his cage for the night it's all I can do to keep him out of it while I fasten the pear links. When I first got him he would sleep on a perch right below his happy hut, before he was brave enough to go in, on the few really hot nights we had he slept on the concrete perch in the top corner of his cage, I guess it was too hot in the happy hut, I also didn't cover him those nights because I was worried that it would get too hot in the cage without some air circulation (no a/c) so that may have affected him, although he usually goes into the hut before I cover him anyway.

08-28-2006, 07:27 PM
although he usually goes into the hut before I cover him anyway

Ditto won't go into his happy hut until I come over to cover him. When his light goes off he'll move to his boing and wait for me to come over to say night night and cover him up. When the cover starts going on he hops in the hut. If I don't get over there soon enough he starts shouting at me. :lol

08-28-2006, 10:25 PM
Scooter and Beaker sleep ontop of their swings too...in that little gap of space between swing top and cage top...they look horribly uncomfortable, but I figure if they were..they'd move !!! LOL

09-04-2006, 12:01 PM
Sleeping preferences are certainly out there. We have many cages and 14 lovies.:happy:
Mollie and Lovie sleep on their swing.
Sophia and Ponti sleep attached to the bars in the top corner of their cage. Snuggles sleeps in the branches of the fake tree in the cage.
Midnight has decided the big green seed cup is a bed.
Cutie and Sucre have chosen to sleep in their cozy.
Sunshine and Quill have chosen the top of the ladder in the 1.5 inch space between the top rung and the top of the cage.
Wing and Slasha chose a low perch in the corner of their cage.
Naranjo has chosen to sleep on the floor in the corner under a seed cup.
The so far the unnamed whiteface sleeps in a swing some nights and on the boing other nights...maybe when I decide on a name, the birdie will decide on a roosting spot.:whistle:

09-04-2006, 01:19 PM
Midnight has decided the big green seed cup is a bed.

That's too funny! Nothing like making sure no one steals your vittles in the middle of the night, huh?! :lol