View Full Version : Touki is A GIRL!!!!!

08-28-2006, 09:49 PM
Back from camping and what do I find:Touki has torpedo bum.:omg:

So sad, no babies coming from my 3 lovebird eggies.

I am getting my to-be-named baby creamino tomorrow. I just got her/his (PLEASE BE A BOY) cage ready.:happy:

Where I am getting baby creamino, they are thinking there are signs of female eating habits (just guesses). I so want a boy.

I will post pictures when she/he settles in.


08-28-2006, 10:14 PM
Male creaminos are generally much harder to come by from what I understand. I've got a breeding pair that is genetically capable of producing them, but so far, nothing. I've got a waiting list of customers who'll pay me nice $ for male inos....

Just mythoughts...
Congrats on the touki news !!

08-29-2006, 12:11 AM
Thanks Kim, I was told about the small chance of male creamino...I have hope....but not high ones...lol

08-31-2006, 01:59 PM
Ok, I now know that Touki and Kiko are both girls...little nasty nesty hens. They are both in the same cage, currently sharing the same nesting box (which will be removed when all the egg laying and protecting seems to calm down).

Since they are both girls, should I keep them in the same cage? They seem to love eachother right now. Is it common for 2 female lovies to live in the same cage?


08-31-2006, 02:05 PM
There are actually some females that can get along famously in the same cage. I've had hens share a box when they both had eggs and there were no injuries. Quite to the contrary. If I opened the box to peek, both would attack to protect all the eggies!!!!!!

I tailor how I house my birds based on how they interact with each other.

08-31-2006, 03:08 PM
I don't have hens but I've heard and read exactly what Linda said above. Two hens can get along sometimes. Heck, even two males aren't a sure-fire guarantee. :D Shy, a member of the forum has several hens caged together and it has worked out well. Good luck, I hope it works out for your girls! :)

08-31-2006, 03:43 PM

I have two females who are soooooo bonded. I can't take one out of the bird room with out the other or they go into a calling frenzy :eek: The only time they are apart is at night when Daisy sleeps in her cozy and Olivia sleeps in her small night-night cage. Daisy won't sleep with Olivia and Olivia takes over Daisy's cozy when she's in Daisy's night-night cage. So I separate them at night. In the morning, Daisy goes crazy to get to Olivia. Hens :rolleyes:

08-31-2006, 09:45 PM
Well I am obsessive about my animals getting along. I will definitly be monitoring their behaviour. I am happy that hens can be caged together, and hope my 2 remain friendly with eachother...thanks for the piece of mind.

Jackie, it was one of your lovies pictures that made me want a creamino. They look like little angels.:)


Buy A Paper Doll
08-31-2006, 10:01 PM
Jackie, it was one of your lovies pictures that made me want a creamino. They look like little angels.:)

I'll let you in on a little secret, but don't tell anyone, k? Some lovebirds may look like little angels, but they never are, dear. They never are. :lol

09-01-2006, 07:35 AM
Jackie, it was one of your lovies pictures that made me want a creamino. They look like little angels.:)Angels? Yep, Daisy was angel when she was 5 wks old :lol She may look it, but watch out! She doesn't get real nesty, but if she doesn't like something she will tear you apart (well, she tries). She's not as big of a biter as my other three lovies. She has a bit of a "poor me" attitude and likes to sit on my shoulder, pout & give little pitiful chirps. Good luck with your little one. :D

09-01-2006, 07:32 PM
Thanks Jennifer and Jackie for the warning about the unangel like behaviour. My roommate was the one who wanted a love bird, that is why we got Kiko. When she started getting, um...not so nice, he didn't like her anymore. He said it was me who turned her 'evil'...lol. I bought her, and he was going to take care of her, but she ended up loving me more, so I lucked out. Well I will be lucky again when the evil nesty Kiko and semi evil nesty Touki go into hybernation.
