View Full Version : Archimedes and Amadeus update part 2

08-31-2006, 11:21 PM
Hi again! While the work with my little guys, especially Amadeus and his people skills, is on going, they seem to be getting along a lot better. I finally introduced them bird to bird, and Archimedes LOVES Amadeus. At first Amadeus would just tolerate Archimedes, but he's now warmed up to him, and preens back.

Tonight when I had Archimedes out playing with his jingle balls, Amadeus was so interested in/worried for Archimedes, he amazed me by fluttering down after him to see what was going on.... a HUGE deal since he's still terrified of me when I handle him. Once he started exploring, though, I had to get him back in the cage since he's still not hand tame and panics when I reach for him :( He has gotten a lot better being in the same room, and being with Archimedes, and has shown us a lot more of his personality. I think he'll be a sweetheart once he's good stepping up and being held.

Lastly, Archimedes is teaching himself to fly :eek: His flight feathers have come in nicely, and he suprised me big time when I was watching tv and he flew from his cage to me, a good 10 feet, and then from my shoulder to the top of the window. Landings are rough, but I recently read a good article in Bird Talk about mirror training them to target landings, so I think we'll start working on that.

That's all for now! I'll have some pictures soon of them together.

08-31-2006, 11:28 PM
Ditto wasn't very good at landing either after his flights grew back. He could only land on flat surfaces. But he practiced them on the couch and now can land on a finger like a pro. Archimedes will figure it out soon! :cool: