View Full Version : Tell what your bird does that makes you smile!!

09-02-2006, 01:26 AM
Okay, I'll go first!! Here are just a few....I could write a book!!

1. When Peaches is playing with my feet (socks on!) if I tell him, "come give mama a kiss!" He'll stop what he is doing, waddle up my leg and give me a big kiss!!!

2. In the morning when I see Peaches, he'll give me his happy to see you wing spread. Then he goes around and touches all his toys...and says good morning to them...lol ;)

3. When I put a water bottle on the top of his cage, he hunches down and bulldozes it off the cage, then he eye balls the bottle on the ground. I say, "good Peaches!!" He looks at me and flaps his wings really fast and chirps!

4. Peaches ringing his bell....(see the picture thread). When I tell Peaches to "give mama the bell," he drops it...and uses his beak to push it into my hand!

5. He calls me, "mama!!"

Okay, there is a lot more...but I'm done bragging for now!!! :whistle:

Let me hear your stories!!:happy:

Hugs, Lisa

09-02-2006, 09:30 AM
Well, I don't think there is enough space here to say all the ways they make me smile. Just looking at them brings a smile to my face, but of course they all have their own special antics. I'll be short, Yeah right:lol

Bela is without a doubt my clown. He does little flips, turns his head all around, looks at you upside down, anything to entertain. He adores praise, and is constantly vying for it. He plays ball, which is him throwing it, and you retrieving it of course. He gives kisses, and screams "Love You". His favorite game is peek-a-boo, and he gets all excited and does head bobs when you act like you just found him:lol Yep, he's a character.

Lacey is my sweet little angel girl. She loves to sit on your hand, near your face and listen to sweet talk about how pretty she is, and how much you love her. She is just the sweetest little thing ever, and I get all misty eyed when I think about how far we have come in our bonding process. It just amazes me that she trusts me as she does, and I am overwhelmed by her love sometimes.

Lacey does have her funny side too. She does loopty lou flips on the boing, and the comfy perches. She will flip and flip, and flip. I really need to get this on video, as the look on her face is priceless when she does this.

Cappie, my GCC is a riot. He will hold the bell on one of his toys and talk into it like an old timey telephone. I know he's just scratching his head with it, but he will also hold it up to his ear like he listening to someone on the other end talking back:lol Cappie also talks pretty well, he says Mama, I love you, thank you, what, and he does the kissy noise. I think Bela taught him that one:)

Yep, I could go on, and on, and on, but suffice it to say, they make my day, and always give me something to look forward to for tomorrow:D

Buy A Paper Doll
09-02-2006, 09:43 AM
Too many things to list!

Mine play peekaboo, too. I cover my eyes and say "where's dem birdies??" and I can feel them running up my chest, hopping in excitement over the game. "Where's dem birdies????" and then I hear "CHIRP!!!" in unison. I uncover my eyes and say "THERE they are! Peekaboo!" and Melody HOPS, she's so proud that she's been found. Milo stands close to my chin in hopes of getting a kissy on his beakbeak (which he always does).

09-02-2006, 12:43 PM
i love it when bebo walks upsidown on the top of the cage then when he sees me he flys to his swing and waits for me to give a kiss noise ( i dont know why though)

09-02-2006, 01:47 PM
Well I have to start with Gracie, don't I. ;) It would be high treason if I didn't.

I love the ways Gracie's personality is blended. She can be a real vicious hen, especially when she's nesty. I love that about her, believe it or not. I love how protective she is of her nest. And I love watching her attack some foods before she eats them. She bites it in anger, gets some in her mouth, and realizes it tastes good. Before you know it, the biting is just a game she's playing.

I love how smart she is. Out of all our birds, I think Gracie, Sam, and George understand the most of what I'm saying to them.

I love how sweet she is, whether it's sitting on my chest while I talk baby talk to her and softly blow on her feathers -- or whether she's in her cage during her nesty time, wanting beak pets galore through the bars of the cage, and attention from anyone she loves. She's the queen of the house, that's for sure! :D

I love the way George (Gracie's mate) has come to trust us so much. He's smart in his own ways, and he knows how to pick up things with his feet, a little trick he has now taught Gracie. We caught her reaching down between the floor grates to pick up newspaper for shredding; she didn't know how to do that before. And I love the way George takes care of his girl. :)

Sam and Didjit are brothers, and I love them both wholeheartedly. Sam was a day-one handfed chick, and we are bonded very closely. He is also allowed to pay homage to Gracie, even during her nesty times. I love the way Sammy pushes his beak into my cheek after he takes a bath. I love the way both he and Didjit will bathe from my hands, though they don't do it at the same time.

I love the strength of Didjit's grip; he has truly lived up to his name. I'm happy that his footing is so very sure. :) And I love his bruiser personality. Sammy is a lover, Didjit is a pushy fellow; they share their cage well enough.

Bosco and Betty are the most wild of all our birds, but they are happy and healthy. Bosco is a little acrobat; he will flip upside-down from anywhere, anytime. He is more brave than Betty; she always was and always will be a scaredy bird. That's what I love about her. :) It's who she is. When a bath dish goes into the cage, it's a safe bet that Bosco will go into it first!

Bongo and Barney are clutchmates from Bosco and Betty. I love watching them play, which they do almost nonstop all day long. Usually it's playing king of the mountain -- sometimes fighting for dominance on their Bucky ball on the bottom of the cage, or sometimes from their manzinita swing. I love the way they have learned to detach their regular swing so they can watch it fall. (I'm not sure which one of them is doing it; they are almost identical, except Barney is bigger.)

That's the whole crew. :) I love all their different quirks, and although I wish some of them were tamer, I don't know what I would do if they were all like Sam, or even Didjit. They are not being forced to come out, but those that want to, do. They are sometimes forced to go back into their cages, when house activities make it necessary.

Thanks for the smile. :)

09-02-2006, 02:37 PM
This is such a cute idea. Heck, I smiled just reading all of your posts! ;)

Mine's going to be long...

Max- he makes me smile because, when I walk into the bird room in the morning, he's always the first that hops near his door, waiting to come out. He was my first bird, and has an extra special place in my heart.

Bubbles- he makes me smile whenever he whistles, because he composes the most beautiful tunes imaginable. Even before he was DNA'd a male, I pretty much knew he was!

Razzle- he makes me smile because of the special bond he and my son have formed. They are buddies for life.

Hunny- she makes me smile because she is such a tiny lovie, but she bosses all the others around, and can take care of herself just fine, thank you, despite of her small size.

Jellybean- he makes me smile because his favorite thing to do is toss toys off the playgym and then stare at them on the floor, then stare at me, then stare at the toy, then stare at me, hint, hint...yup, I'm his slave and I always cave and get it!

Windy- she makes me smile because she cannot sit still. She flys back and forth, here and there. That's why she was named Windy. But then again, she also makes me smile because when I am taking pictues, she's the opposite- she'll just sit there and pose and pose...she loves it!

Papi- he makes me smile because of his never ending sweetness. I always wanted a parrotlet, but could never find one that wasn't nippy. When I met him, he was let me rub his head the very first time I held him, and it was instant love.

Snowflake- he makes me smile whenever he talks. When he starts going, he goes on and on. And the words he says are so clear, he amazes me. I never knew budgies could be such good talkers.

Of course, there are many other reasons, but those are the first that come to mind. In general, my birds have brought so many smiles, laughs and just plain joy to my life. I am definitely a bird person; they are such amazing creatures, and I wish more people could understand they have so much more potential than to be just animals kept in cages. :)

09-03-2006, 10:26 PM
Well my list will be a short one.

What does Ditto do that makes me smile? Everything! :cool:

09-04-2006, 08:15 AM
Hmmm...where should I start?

Molly is my favorite lovie as he was my first and I handfed him, so he thinks he's human. Molly runs to me in the morning and waits for me to give him kisses on his chest. I like telling him "I'm gonna kiss you, kiss you, kiss you all over" and he wingflaps and whistles. He follows me everywhere :D

Daisy likes to hang from the top of the cage and if I don't pay attention to her and she will swing her body round & round & round until I come over to see her. It's too cute. She also likes to get sympathy if Olivia is being too dominant. She'll sit on my finger and puff up a little and do short little chirps with her head bent down in sorrow.

Piper is my clown. When I go near his cage and put my fingers near him, he runs over, puffs up, grinds his beak at me and then nibbles my fingers with his eyes closed. When I have him out he likes to play on my fingers and hangs all over my hands like a clown. He's very dominant over Molly, but he's my scaredy cat too. He'll run and hide in his cozy and I have to coax him out, which isn't easy.

Olivia likes for me to rub her head through the cage bars. She'll run over and put her head down for me. She does this all the time when she's out too. I think she'd let rub her head all day if I could. She will lay in my hand on her back and she turns flips on the window perch. I love to listen to her take naps. She tucks her head and talks and talks and talks. The other three yell at her to be quiet, but I think it's so cute. She also has a toy of balls with plastic bells inside and she like to beat it up - all the time. While she's beating it she yells at it too. She likes to do this when she's mad at me. When I put out her seed dish, she likes to get into the dish and dig, dig, dig. Seed goes everywhere and I tell her "That's all you're getting, young lady".

I could tell more, but like everyone else I'd have more than my share of space. :D

09-04-2006, 09:34 AM
My p'let, Jasmine, clings to the door of her cage and chirps at me first thing when I uncover her cage in the morning waiting until I open the door and give her a few scritches and fresh food. She loves to sit on my shoulder and eat and shred dried fruit. The bigger the mess the happier she is. Jasmine will sit forever and want me to preen her. If I stop she rubs her cheek against my finger until I start again.

Kanoni, lovebird, is only a few months old. Jeanette, breeder extradinaire, said not to trim her wings until she was fully flighted but Noni is so pleased with herself and she will fly from my hand or shoulder for about 5 seconds and then rush back to me so pleased with herself that I haven't been able to bring myself to trim her wings. Like the rest of you, owning a bird makes me smile about so many things that are too numerous to name. I guess the secret to putting up with the endless mess is the smiles and joy they give us.

09-04-2006, 09:41 AM
Watching my birds having a nap in a ray of sun light and listening to them chirp while they sleep. They look so at peace and it warms my heart

09-04-2006, 09:44 AM
Well my list will be a short one.

What does Ditto do that makes me smile? Everything! :cool:

Dave, that's my answer for Oliver, too! :) That little bird always puts a smile on my face. The other two often make me laugh out loud with their antics but they are also trouble makers so I'm not always smiling at them! :D

Great thread, Lisa! I enjoyed reading about everyones fids and what makes them smile! :)

09-04-2006, 11:04 PM
Just the fact that Indy lives in my home with me is enough.

09-04-2006, 11:23 PM
just today my lovie decided to take a drink but ended missing his mark and dunking his whole head!!! :)

09-07-2006, 12:04 AM
Rebel will upside down hanging from the top of her cage and then flip herself so that with her legs still hanging from the singing she's right side up... it's weird.

09-07-2006, 04:15 PM
Just the fact that Indy lives in my home with me is enough.

I hear you :)

Beetle is just the most amusing character. And that makes me smile 8)


09-07-2006, 04:50 PM
I always smile when Obie holds food in her feet....from nutriberries to corn to itty bitty seeds, it's too cute!

I could go on, and on...

09-07-2006, 05:29 PM
I think if I tried to elaborate on all the birds, the post would be very, very long. :D

They all have their individual traits that make me smile. From Shiloh, who is the joy of my life, to Weesy, the nastiest, pit viper, grumpy hen they all make my life happier.

09-07-2006, 05:32 PM
MJ, ain't it the truth!!! I think every single lovie in the world offers something that should make us smile! All three of mine are so different and I love each ones personality. Oliver's sweet disposition always makes me smile but Big Boi and Shy really crack me up several times every day. I actually bought a camcorder because of those two! :D

09-07-2006, 06:05 PM
I gotta agree with MJ! If I posted something about every bird that is part of my flock, we would be here for quite a very, very long time!!!

Echo is my character, splittin' image of his dad. Like his dad, first and foremost on his mind is determining if something is edible! If he sees one of his favorite foods, he literally turns somersaults, holding onto a perch and the side of his cage. It's hysterical to watch!!

Lucinda and Marabelle are a pair of female Green Peachies who are very much bonded to each other. They enjoy hanging upside down on perches/fingers and tossing around plastic balls. Invariably, those balls either end up in a food dish or a water dish........

Ginger is my very royal African Grey. She's a gorgeous bird and she knows it. When she walks, she struts! It's like "Hey, everyone! Here I am!"

Harley (TAG) is another food lover. If you don't offer him a piece of whatever you are eating, he will climb down off his cage, walk over to you, and climb up your leg to get what he wants!

Dao (Military Macaw) loves his baths! If I turn on the water in the bathtub/shower, he comes running, climbs up the side of the tub (yes, he can do it!) and goes right in! Needless to say, I either have to close the door or make sure the water temperature is cool when I turn on the water...... :lol

Purpose By Design
09-07-2006, 06:49 PM
when im on the computer at night and i look into Sydny's cage and his head is inbetween his legs,i wish i knew what he is trying to look at.:)