View Full Version : my birds are wild things...

09-06-2006, 04:06 PM
Wow what a change I've had with my birds these past few weeks. Mango is fully flying now, he listens occasionally, and refuses to let me touch him. When I do have to, he screams at me as if I'm pulling feathers. No more cuddling or head scratching, I've now got a teenager. Mango is 8 months old and I do know this is a time of change for him. I do hope this behavor doesn't last and I know he must be enjoying his freedom of flying. I've thought about having his wings clipped but I like the idea of him being able to get places when needed. Every day I have to have a little talk with him about how he is behaving:rofl: I also have Kodiak to deal with. She is 4 months old and she has been nothing but a bitter since I got her, a hard one at that and has also been very timid. Her personality sure has come out these days. She is very protective of Mango and the two of them go everywhere together. She's already one of those territorial females about 'their' cozy and within a certain range of her. Mango still attacks my boyfriend for reasons unknown even after months of the spray bottle training. I see Mango's sweetness come out here and there but I feel like it's Kodiak that screams at him to play with her instead of me hehe esp when he comes over for kisses. At least the two of them still enjoy my company, but they do seem a bit more wild even with constant attention. Most days it sounds like we have 10 birds instead of two, they are chatter boxes and it always makes me laugh.

09-06-2006, 04:13 PM
Sarah, I just love letting mine have full flight but if you see Mango getting too wild, I really do suggest a wing clip. It's only been in the last 8 or 9 months that I've let Oliver stay fully flighted and only because he minds so well and will always fly to me. The other two....:eek: They really are a hand full to deal with unless they have a least a partial clip. After more than a year with us only one of them will step up for other family members. They both step up for me and always have but I spend hours with them every day. Just remember that a wing clip will grow out and it might give you the time you need to tame Mango a little bit more. :)

09-06-2006, 11:42 PM
Kodiak and Mango sound like they are having a GREAT time:lol :lol . You are right that young lovies go through a lot changes. I've noticed a big difference in my lovies as they get older. They settle in and are more tame and loving. Of course, a fully flighted lovie is asking for trouble. It's not about being wild. It's about being in control and running away cause they can :rofl: :rofl: .

Just my :2cents:, but I've noticed the longer my lovies have flight, the harder it is for them to adjust to a wing clip.

09-07-2006, 10:03 AM
Just my :2cents:, but I've noticed the longer my lovies have flight, the harder it is for them to adjust to a wing clip.

Well, that makes sense! I think that taking Oliver's flight away now would break his heart. He is so much happier and active with flight and his personality and behavior are right for it. It might be years before the other two are ready to stay flighted full-time! :lol

09-07-2006, 03:44 PM
I can tell Mango is very happy. He loves to fly to where I am just to check up on me instead of being lazy and not wanting to hop around. The only thing is, every second he is in flight, he has to chrip constantly and super fast...Kodiak gets very excited. It's on the same pitch level has his warning calls but more dramatic and loud:whistle: I take this as a sign of being thrilled with flying. I did check to see how many feathers he had on each wing and so far three-four feathers on each side have grown in. He was so mad with me for checkin them out too.

09-07-2006, 07:05 PM
Sounds like Mango and Kodiak are really enjoying their teenage freedom...like a 16 year old with the car keys!!:whistle:

I wonder if I will ever get to the point where I don't clip wings. It is a monthly grooming habit here. I clip all wings and check toenail length.
After losing Zipper, I've become so much more vigilent about it. I don't like those sandpaper perch covers...cause they rub the bottom of the tootsies.
It's hard to remember since lovies are so snugglely that they are "wild things".
My babies do fly 'cause I clip only the first 5 feathers...just don't get the lift from fully feathered wings. :happy: These wild things can still make it to the top of the curtains and evade "capture" to return to their cages. :lol

09-07-2006, 08:44 PM
I wonder if I will ever get to the point where I don't clip wings. It is a monthly grooming habit here. I clip all wings and check toenail length.
After losing Zipper, I've become so much more vigilent about it. I don't like those sandpaper perch covers...cause they rub the bottom of the tootsies.
It's hard to remember since lovies are so snugglely that they are "wild things".
My babies do fly 'cause I clip only the first 5 feathers...just don't get the lift from fully feathered wings.

Kathryn, flight is a wonderful but dangerous thing. I think it's a decision you have to make based on the behavior and personality of an individual lovebird. Even 2 years ago I could not allow Oliver to be flighted. I let him become fully flighted one time and he was at the top of the bookshelves in a second and did not come down easily. :lol I adopted Oliver three years ago and it's really only been in the last year that he showed me that he can be flighted and still be safe. The other two? Probably never! :whistle:

09-07-2006, 09:52 PM
Kathryn, flight is a wonderful but dangerous thing. I think it's a decision you have to make based on the behavior and personality of an individual lovebird. Even 2 years ago I could not allow Oliver to be flighted. I let him become fully flighted one time and he was at the top of the bookshelves in a second and did not come down easily. :lol I adopted Oliver three years ago and it's really only been in the last year that he showed me that he can be flighted and still be safe. The other two? Probably never! :whistle:

Yep. Gotta be careful with flight. The only reason Ditto is still fully flighted (no clip in 2 1/2 years now) is because he's so well behaved. He'll only fly if he has to. Usually to get to me. If we're on the couch he'll fly to his gymn which is at the end of the couch then come back to me in a few minutes. Other than that the only other flying he does is to go back to his cage for a drink or a snack. And half the time he does that he flies back to me on the couch with an avicake or nutriberry to eat while we watch tv. :rolleyes:

Sometimes I'll make him chase me so he gets some excersize.

But if he acted like Janie described Oliver doing (flying to the top of bookcases/curtain rods etc...), or being a hazard to himself, he'd get clipped again.

He will even go right back to his cage when it's time. :cool: I haven't had any trouble getting him to go back since he's been able to fly again. Before that it was quite a chore. He'd usually hang in the middle of my back where I couldn't reach him.