View Full Version : Taming Progress?

09-07-2006, 12:49 AM
Yes, no, maybe... I don't know. Lately, I've been "forcing" Indy out of his cage since he won't come out on his own anyway. By force, I mean, waiting 'til he perches on his swing and taking the swing out through the playtop door opening. Last week, I spent a day trying to warm him up to the world outside his cage. He still refuses to come out of his cage if I bring a perch near him, but if I unhook the cage from the grate and turn the cage on its side, he comes.

I was sitting with him on a bed in another room and he scrambled all over the place and even climbed onto my hand! When I took him out today, I was able to get him onto my hand as well (but not without several pinches from that beak). He was ok for a minute or so, but because he could see his cage all he could think about was getting back to it. I can't get near him when he's near his cage.

How can I get him to deal with being away from his cage?

09-07-2006, 10:10 AM
Kumashe, I think your way of forcing him out is just fine. You aren't grabbing him, just removing him while he's on his swing. What I'd recommend now is that you take him out of the room where the cage is to work/play with him. Maybe it would be "out of sight, out of mind" and he would not be so anxious to get back to the cage if he can't see it. You've had him long enough now that I'm sure he does trust you, even if it isn't apparent to you.

I have the opposite problem....making them go back inside their cages! :whistle:

09-07-2006, 10:23 AM
Sounds like Indy is learning to trust.
Have you tried covering Indy's cage while you have him out of the cage...out of sight, out of mind.:)

09-07-2006, 03:27 PM
Have you tried covering Indy's cage while you have him out of the cage...out of sight, out of mind.:)

Very good idea, Kathryn! :) Why didn't I think of that? Bet you that you're much younger than me, that's why! :D

09-21-2006, 02:45 AM
Covering the cage didn't work. He was confused for a bit but I guess he recognized the shape of his cage and flew over to it... :x He's progressing pretty well. I get him away from his cage and sit with him on the couch (tv on). After he settles down he'll stay on my arm, preen, yawn... just hang out. He runs around on the couch but sometimes he comes back. Still, I'd like him to kick the habit of staying in his cage.

09-21-2006, 09:40 AM
Ahhh, Indy is a lot like my Ballou. Ballou is a blue mask. When I was first working with him to get him used to handling and to me, I took him to a room away from his cage. Ballou still does not like for me to bring him out of his home. But he likes to be out. So.. I open the door and step away, sit down. In a couple of minutes he is on his way out and then I can step him up. Your Indy sounds like he is a sweetheart. I love blue masked lovies!