View Full Version : wing clipping and flight question

09-08-2006, 02:05 PM
Having read your posts, there are a lot of people who are against birdies flying.
We purchased our lovebirds as pets in June, we've never kept them before, and let them out for a fly around at least once a day.
Should we have them clipped? :confused: They fly to the lamp shade (an upstanding light), play on our shelves and have a lovely time before going back in for dinner.
Should we be doing this differently? :(
Everyone seems adamant that they should be clipped.
Admittedly, they are not tame but are very happy >o They don't escape (we shut windows and doors) and are safe :)

09-08-2006, 02:14 PM
well the thing is one day someone will forget to close a window or a door. and then youll feel like kickin yourself in the shins for letting those gorgeous birdies go. they CAN still be happy with clipped wings. plus it will be easier for you to tame them. Although they wont be very happy at first soon they will thank you for taming them so they can spend time on this big huge toy that is MUCH more entertaining that lampshades! :)

09-08-2006, 02:15 PM
I think there are generally two reasons people like to keep their birds wings clipped. One being for better tamablilty and easier handling, and the other being for safety reasons. Flying out the window, hitting something etc. etc.

That being said, I think we all have to determine what fits our situation best.

Alot of people with un-clipped birds, tame or untame, might have problems getting their fids back in the cage. This would be a reason for a clip.

Other people might see their birds as getting a little too bold or wild without a clip, and by reducing their ability to fly and perch in high places, this may bring them back down to a more controllable level.

But, like you said. From your point of view your birdies enjoy their flight, don't seem to have problems when it comes time to go back in the cage, and are in a bird safe environment where they can't accidentally get hurt.

I have a sinlge bird who is fully flighted and has been for the entire time he has been with me. He loves to fly all around the house and I have taken great care to ensure he is in a safe environment.

Most people will agree that as long as your bird is safe and happy, that's what's most important. And it appears you have both of those so I wouldn't worry. ;)

Just be sure to keep the doors closed. My Rico got outside on me once and it was a very frightening experience. I have the grey hairs as proof.

09-08-2006, 02:21 PM
cool! thats made me feel a lot better - thank you :-)

they really are lovely birdies, just want to make sure that we are doing the best for them :-)

09-08-2006, 04:31 PM
I agree, if it works for you and you are positive that they are as safe as possible when out of their cages, you gotta do what you think is best for you and your birds. :) I have one that is fully flighted and two that are not. It works for Oliver who is laid back, not very curious, much older and a bird that will always fly to his momma. The other two are very tame but young, curious and into everything. In their case, a clip is important for their safety. I do have them in a bird room and if I'm home, which is often, they are out, often as much as 8 hours a day.

Just be sure to keep the doors closed. My Rico got outside on me once and it was a very frightening experience. I have the grey hairs as proof.

The same thing happened to me with Oliver and that was when he was partially flighted. Scared the poop out of me and even with partial flight, he was able to go to the top of the trees. It took me 45 minutes to get him back. I did not get a single new grey hair over that ordeal....only because I already had them! :D But I did nearly have a heart attack! :eek: