View Full Version : help! i think my lovebirds hate me

09-09-2006, 05:18 PM
hello hello, i am new here and new to lovebirds. i just got a pair (mimi and rodolfo) from a pet store about a 6 weeks ago-they are not handfed. I spent a long time letting them warm up to me, you know, talking to them and whatnot from outside of the cage and it got to the point where they didn't cringe every time i came near. then i figured it was about time to try to tame them. unable to get them to step up consistently while they were inside their cage, i took the advice (perhaps the bad advice) from a book of grabbing them in a towel and taking them to a bathroom to work with them (i don't have a cage small enough to fit in a bathroom, so i can't do that method either). so they seemed to make some more progress. they step up pretty consistently now, but only when they are outside of their cage. inside their cage, they hang onto the sides whenever the dowel comes near and refuse to get on. also, Mimi will now sit on my sholder quite consistently, but is scared to death of my hands. both of them still go crazy any time my hands get near! will they ever warm up? do you guys have any advice of how i can get them stepping up in the cage (so i don't have to towel them) or how i can get them happy with my hands?

09-09-2006, 05:36 PM
Many birds are afraid of human hands! Some eventually accept them, while others never will. Perhaps you can wear a long sleeved shirt (no red) and offer them your arm or cloth covered hand.

Since you've only had them 6 weeks, you are actually making very good progress with them. You want a trust relationship with them and that's not something that will happen overnight. Just keep doing what you are doing. Have you tried offering them special treats from your hands? If those fearful hands are giving them something they really like, then maybe hands aren't so evil after all! :)

09-09-2006, 05:40 PM
You might never get them to the stage where they like your hands. Some do, some don't. I think you've made a lot of progress in a short amount of time. My favorite lovebird book, The Lovebird Handbook by Vera Appleyard says that taming a lovie might take up to 6 months. It probably won't but still, yours have come a long way in 6 weeks. Not cringing is a GOOD thing! :D It really does take lots of time, love and patience when you have two that have not been socialized before. You'll get there, I just know it! :D

We don't suggest grabbing them but if you've already been doing it and they are excepting it (and you can't take the cage in the bathroom) obviously it's working for you. Can you hold them w/o the towel? That is what I'd do if possible. Good luck and keep at it! Also, check out the "behavior and taming" threads, present and past. Lots of good advice and tips there. :)

09-09-2006, 06:47 PM
Hi Maureen,

inside their cage, they hang onto the sides whenever the dowel comes near and refuse to get on.The cage is their safe place. Try opening the cage door and letting them come out on their own maybe in a small room. Some birds are territorial about their cage as it's theirs not yours and the only place for them to go to for safety. I have one who is like this and I let her come out on her own. My other three don't have a fear of my hands at all. The best thing I tell you is to have lots of patience! Patience, patience and then more patience :D It's worth it in the end.

09-09-2006, 09:56 PM

Ditto to Jackie, I never take my birds out of the cage. I always open the door and the top and invite them out. Once they are out, they 'step up'. They are not afraid of my hands. Taking them out seems a little forceful to me. Are their wings clipped? This will also help. On another note, my sister has had her two lovebirds for just over two months now. They are just now used to her hands and she has been working with them consistently since I brought them to her at the end of June. I handled the birds everyday since they were 2 weeks old, so they were used to my hands). She used millet to get them used to her hands. She called tonight to say that they are now flying to her shoulder from their cage. So you can see, you need to be patient and persistent. I think you are doing a great job. Keep it up.

09-10-2006, 08:59 AM
My bird Biscuit never allows me to pick her up from inside the cage. She prefers that she comes out of the cage on her own terms. What worked for me is that i pretended to ignore her while she was outisde the cage. Eventually, her curiosity got the better of her. A wing clip also comes in very handy since the bird has less ability to fly. This will force the bird to interact more with you. Hopefully it will realize that you mean no harm and can actually be fun to be with.

09-11-2006, 02:45 PM
Thanks guys! I kept thinking that they wouldn't come out on their own, but I tried the ignoring technique and sure enough, after about 15 minutes out they came :) I thought I was really behind with them, but thanks for letting my know I'm not crazy :-D

09-11-2006, 05:48 PM
Thanks guys! I kept thinking that they wouldn't come out on their own, but I tried the ignoring technique and sure enough, after about 15 minutes out they came :) I thought I was really behind with them, but thanks for letting my know I'm not crazy :-D

Oh yes, the ignoring technique always works. Sometimes Ditto likes to play the get me out if you can game. I open his balcony and he'll walk out but as soon as I put my hand or shoulder up for him to step up he giggles (well that's what it sounds like anyway) and runs back in hoping I'll reach in for him and chase him around. But all I have to do is turn and start to walk away and before I can take 2 steps he's right on me. :rofl: