View Full Version : Looks like tomorrow is the big day!

09-09-2006, 09:05 PM
Some of you might remember the little WF splitcinnamino that I am getting from a breeder. (I posted pics- I think a few of you wanted to fidnap him, lol.) Well, I'll be picking him up tomorrow night. I feel like an expectant parent! Or is that parront? :lol I guess we shall soon see if he is as white as he is in his picture.

This will be my first time having a bird shipped to me, so I am a little nervous. But I do know people who have had great experiences having birds shipped, and the breeder has a lot of experience shipping birds, so I am sure everything will go ok. She (the breeder) was able to get him on a direct flight, so he will only spend three hours on the plane, and he is being sent counter-to-counter.

I was just curious if any of you have any experiences having birds shipped. I would love to hear how things went, if you have.

09-09-2006, 09:48 PM
I've shipped birds before using Continental Quick Pack live animal division and they do a fantastic job! If I can't use their services, I don't ship my birds. I've also used Delta before without incident but I like the fact that Continental has no temperature restrictions.

Check our Resource Library for information on shipping. It's very well written by Jean Pattison. If you have the tracking number, make sure you call the airlines to verify that your bird is on the plane. I also call about an hour before arrival time to see what the ETA is at the airport. Sometimes flights come in early. I would rather be waiting for the bird than the bird be waiting for me.

09-09-2006, 10:51 PM
Christine, I am so excited for you!!!...I am sure everything will go Perfect!!...Let us know all about your new baby when he gets home! :):)

09-09-2006, 11:06 PM
Thanks guys!

Luckily I did find the link (from the Resource Library) a few weeks ago, and it was very informative. It was helpful just knowing what questions I needed to ask the breeder before making arrangements.

My two choices were also Continental and Delta. While doing my research on shipping (from various other sites as well), I did find that they were the two that had the most positive remarks from people who have dealt with shipping birds before. In this case, he will be flying Delta Pets First. I didn't mind which of the two airlines we used, but I really, really wanted a direct flight, so he wouldn't have to change planes.

Well, the cage is all set. My son is on top of the world because his room is the designated "quarentine room", and he gets to have a roommate for a month or so...:)

09-09-2006, 11:15 PM
When I ship birds, I also never ship via Atlanta. Strange things manage to happen at Atlanta airport so I avoid it like the plague. Direct flights are always best if you can get them.

09-09-2006, 11:36 PM
When I ship birds, I also never ship via Atlanta. Strange things manage to happen at Atlanta airport so I avoid it like the plague. Direct flights are always best if you can get them.

You know, I have read that about Atlanta many times. When we were working out the arrangements, I really wanted him to be flown to the Manchester, NH airport (because it is a smaller airport and more accessable), but that would of meant a layover in Atlanta where he would of sat for four hours waiting to switch flights. I remembered reading that you should NEVER ship birds through Atlanta, thankfully. So he will be shipped directly to Boston, MA. I guess my only apprehension is that I haven't been to Logan in years, and I am not crazy about large airports. Which is why I will be probably leave extremely early, and will have a grand old time waiting around for awhile. :rolleyes:

I'm curious, though, have birds actually disappeared (ie, gotten stolen) from Atlanta? With all the "never ship birds through Atlanta" comments I have heard, it's made me wonder.

09-10-2006, 12:16 PM
I'm curious, though, have birds actually disappeared (ie, gotten stolen) from Atlanta? With all the "never ship birds through Atlanta" comments I have heard, it's made me wonder.

Christine, I can't answer that because I've never shipped or received but I can tell you that airport which is my airport is a ZOO! It would not surprise me! The breeder I got my last to boys from also lives here and ships and receives out of Atlanta and she has not had a problem but I guess others have. :confused: A direct flight is definitely the best way to go. :)

09-10-2006, 12:19 PM
Hi Christine,
Birds have actually been stolen in many airports but I don't recall hearing that about Atlanta. The biggest complaint has been that the birds never quite seem to make the connecting flight so I go to great length to avoid Atlanta, even if I'm shipping Continental. I would rather deal with JFK in New York or Logan in MA than Atlanta airport!

When I ship birds, I give the tracking number to the recipient and I track the shipment, as well. I want to make very sure that Continental knows that someone is watching what's going on!

The breeder I got my last to boys from also lives here and ships and receives out of Atlanta and she has not had a problem
The key words here are to and from. Starting point/ending point is fine. Just don't ship through, which means change of planes.....

09-10-2006, 01:35 PM
Thanks Janie and Linda for the info. It makes me feel even more happy that he'll be on a direct flight. ;)

09-10-2006, 06:03 PM
Look at Janie's location and you'll see why you shouldn't ship that little cutie through Atlanta! :rofl:

Now if you want to ship through Harrisburg, Pa........ :whistle:

09-10-2006, 06:06 PM
Sure, Dave! S u r e..................................:evil: