View Full Version : Well that went well, and I am relieved!

09-11-2006, 12:26 AM
I am tired, and it has been a long day, but things went so well with bringing my little guy home from the airport. I have to tell you, I have been kind of stressing over it for the past week, worrying that something would go wrong. I didn't sleep much at all last night, but things couldn't possibly have gone better.

The cargo office ending up being easier to find than I thought. Thank goodness for signs, lots and lots of easy to read signs, since I get very nervous driving in the city when I don't know where I am going. Plus, there was practically no traffic.

His flight was scheduled to leave Florida at quarter past 7 pm, and was to arrive at quarter past 10 (only a three hour flight), but it did end up being delayed roughly 40 minutes. So he left a few minutes before 8 and arrived in Boston a few minutes before 11. No word of a lie, but he was literally on the cargo office's counter at 11:02. It didn't take them more than 5 minutes to get him off the plane and to his new mommy! I am completely and utterly impressed at Delta's service. Of course it helped that he was flown counter-to-counter, so he got special treatment, but still- they were wonderful. I could tell the lady who brought him off the plane, and to me, was a little smitten with him, lol. She was peeking in the crate and talking to him while I was signing the receipt.

I was expecting him to be incredibly nervous when I got home, but things went better than I imagined. I took his little carrier out of the crate, put it on the floor, and opened the door. I wanted him to be able to come out on his own. I thought it would take awhile, but it only took less than a minute and he walked out. I tried to see if he would step up, but he flew off a few feet instead. He did let me pick him up after he landed, though.

So I put him in his cage, and even though it was extremely late (I think it was about 11:40 when we got home), I left the light on in the room (my son's bedroom is where he is being quarentined), so he get used to his cage a little. I was really worried about him not having water in quite a while (he didn't touch his carrots on the plane), but while I was in the other room, emailing the breeder to let him know he made it safely, my son saw him drink a little. (I was very relieved, since I didn't want him to go to bed without having a drink.) About 5 or so minutes after that I saw him eating from his food dish- how's that for settling in quickly! It seems my new guy is quite the brave one, especially after experiencing a plane ride. I am proud of him already.

After about 15 more minutes of me sitting by his cage and talking softly to him (he seems so friendly, he comes right up to you when you sit near him), my son decided he needed to read him a bed time story. It was so cute, he (the lovie) started closing his eyes while my son was reading it. Poor little fella, it's been a long day, and he was obviously tired. So I put them both to sleep.

I think his name is going to be Coconut. He is such a pale yellow, he looks almost white, and it just seems to fit. Plus he is from West Palm Beach, FL, and I really wanted a name that would kind of pay tribute to where he is from. And since Palm Beach is named after Palm trees, and Palm trees have coconuts, well, it seems like the perfect name.

Well, that's it for now. Wow, this ended up being long- I think it is because I am so happy he is safe at home. I'll post pics as soon as I can, when I think it won't bother him too much. :)

09-11-2006, 01:35 AM
CONGRATULATIONS CHRISTINE!! I am so happy that Coconut (good name by the way) arrived safely and obviously happy.

I saw the pics you posted before of him and he is a cutie!


09-11-2006, 09:42 AM

I'm so glad to hear everything went well. When you get a chance we'd love to see some more pictures. He's such a beauty :D

09-11-2006, 10:39 AM
Christine, GREAT UPDATE!!!!!! I am so happy to know that Coconut's travels went so well and that he's in his brand new forever home! :D

09-11-2006, 10:50 AM
:lol :) Yeah!! Coconut is home safe and sound!! Glad to hear it Christine!:) :lol

09-11-2006, 11:33 AM
Christine, I am really happy to hear that Coconut arrived home safely to!! Its great that he is so sweet already! :D:D

09-11-2006, 12:30 PM

I am glad Coconut arrived safely, and that all went well. I also was impressed at the service of the airlines on shipping. When I went to pick up Lacey, they hand delivered her right to me, and they had her off the plane before the the people were even off. As soon as the plane landed, it was less than five minutes, and I had my little girl in my hands.

Yep, I'lll look forward to those cute little yeller birdie pics also:)

09-11-2006, 01:02 PM
Thanks guys! He is doing great today. I decided to take him out, for a couple minutes, since he appears to be doing very good. He did seem very nervous when I took him out though. He was pulled very late for handfeeding (he was already partially feathered at the time), so you can tell the difference between him and a lovie that was pulled earlier. He is pretty flighty, and doesn't know how to step-up yet (that I can tell), but the good news is he is really sweet, and doesn't bite at all. I let him kind of check out the room a little. He can only fly a few feet (his wings are clipped), which is good. After just a couple of minutes, though, I picked him up, and kind of wrapped him up in the bottom of my shirt, and rubbed his head and talked to him a little, so he will start to get used to me. He is so sweet. When I went to put him back in his cage, he did perch on my finger for the first time and just sat there for a little while, with my hand in his cage, and looked at me. I am so in love with him- he is absolutely adorable.

As far as the question is concerned, about whether he has a violet factor, as far as I can tell (and I'm not an expert), I would think that he does have one. It's funny, because his rump color doesn't look anything like what it does in the pics I posted. It looks almost light greyish, with a very faint purplish-blue hue. And he does look practically white, with the most pale yellow being on the edge of his wings. He is so beautiful. I think the violet factor might be what is making him appear almost white. I remembered reading that somewhere, that wf creminos which have a violet factor are much lighter yellow, and I also remember seeing a great photo, that shows the effect adding dark factors has on the color of creminos. I can't seem to find it right now though but I will keep looking. Assuming of course, that it would have the same effect in a pallidino. In any case, I do trust the judgment of the breeder. I've heard she is very experienced with lovebird mutations and has breed them for quite a while, so I think she really knows what she is talking about.

Lori- the service was amazing. It's funny but I remember looking at the clock, and saying to myself that the plane must of just landed, then a few minutes later I saw the animal crate and thought to myself someone else must be having an animal shipped...but nope, it was mine- he was there that fast. I guess when they say that counter service means "first on the plane, first off the plane", they really mean it!

I'll be sure to post lots of pics when I can; I might try right now, but I am not sure how good they will come out since he is in his cage, and I don't plan on disturbing him again today by taking him out.

09-11-2006, 04:44 PM
I'm loving the name, Christine. TOO cute!

Welcome home, Coconut :)


09-11-2006, 04:54 PM
I'm very glad that all went well and Coconut arrived safely. Straight through flights are the best when you can get one! Give him a bit of time and you will most likely have a little velcro buddy! :)

09-11-2006, 05:18 PM
I decided to try another little 5 minute session with him this evening, and it went GREAT! He flew off at first, but then I picked him up, and he perched on my finger and just sat there while I talked to him. He just sat there the whole time, staring at me and didn't fly off. It was so great! :happy: