View Full Version : Quarantine Squawkers Chorus!

09-11-2006, 04:29 AM
I have tried not to complain about it because I now know quarantining new birds (thanks to this forum) is necessary. GOODNESS...they all like to talk to each other. There isn't a floor in this house that isn't loud. My roommate says it feels like we live in a rain forest (not in a good way).

I go talk to one bird and she stops, while the other 3 are yelling for me.

Unfortunately, I have neighbors that think we live in a retirement villages...gosh forbid if my doggies bark...complaints (I live in a townhouse). So far I believe that they can't hear my lovies:whistle:

My sanity is compromised...:rofl: but it's worth it.

I asked in another post if it is ok to take them all the vet at the same time...hopefully I can get them all in this week. Does this mean I can shorten my quarantine time if they are all checked out together?...oh please say it is so...one room of singing lovies is good...3 floors is crazy:omg:

09-11-2006, 09:14 AM
Well, I would think if you take them all to the vet, and the vet does all the necessary tests and says they are all healthy, it would be ok. But then again, I am not an expert, so maybe someone else will say differently.

I think it is cute that they are calling back and forth to each other. That's one way they can get to know each other. Unfortunately, you are right, multiple lovies can get loud at times. I notice that when my lovies are in their cages, if I play soft, soothing music for them (as apposed to louder, more upbeat music), it helps to keep them quiet...well, quieter. ;)

Buy A Paper Doll
09-11-2006, 11:24 AM
If the vet checks them out ... well ... it depends. (I'm such a party pooper.)

For example, my Melody came from a bird show. She could have been perfectly healthy at the breeder's, but the day she was at the show, it's possible she was exposed to any number of nasty diseases, some of which have an incubation period of several weeks.

She checked out perfectly fine at the vet's office the next day. But a few days after that, she started showing signs of illness and I had to rush her back to the vet.

I know from experience that your poor ears are ringing. Trust me. We did 2 months of quarantine in this house and it was HORRIBLE! But it really is better to be safe than sorry.

09-11-2006, 08:35 PM
They weren't too loud today. Last night I made Kiko and Touki a birdie cozy/hammock and that calmed them down. With my luck they will take it as a surrogate nest box and start laying again. They seem happier and calmer. My mother is actually making one for Little Chicken, who right now is chirping her little beak off. Maybe if she is a good fidma she will bring it over tonight.

Well I picked up the transport carrier for the vet trip tomorrow. I am getting their check up, blood tested and gram stain as far as I remember at least. I am going to go read the well bird exam writeup in the resourse library. They have a program of some sort at this vets, a whole year plan...I guess I will learn more tomorrow.

09-11-2006, 10:44 PM
More reading and your suggestions has made me decide to bring just Chubby and Checkers to the vet tomorrow. They were in the pet store quite a bit longer and had more people interacting with them, so I would really like to get them checked out. When I go tomorrow I will just set up more appointments for Little Chicken and then down the road Kiko and Touki. I would really like to have Kiko and Touki's wings clipped...but will wait to see if any more eggies show up.:roll:

My mom was a GREAT fidma, she made a very nice cozy tent for Little Chicken. Hopefully she will like it and snuggle up in it tonight.


09-12-2006, 09:14 AM
Susan, when I got Big Boi and Shy I took them to the vet for a complete check up the next day. Because I had Oliver and his health was the most important thing to me, I had my vet run every test possible to ensure the two new boys were healthy and would not pass anything on to Oliver but she told me that it takes up to 90 days for some illness's to show up! :eek: Their blood work did come back fine in about a week but my vet was adamant that I do a minimum of 30 days quarantine. It was the longest 30 days of my life! :D I was counting down the hours and minutes towards the end! :lol Hang in there, the days will pass! One of our members here, Heather, usually does a 90 day quarantine and I applaud her and anyone else who can make it that long! :)