View Full Version : Hello

06-04-2005, 09:29 AM
Hi everyone, sorry it's been so long but things have been crazy. Shawn's hours were cut back so he's been searching for a new job. The search has ended he was hired as a corrections officer in a state facility. He will be leaving to go to the law enforcement academy on July 4.e are going to miss him terribly. I have a great network of friends who will be helping me since I can't drive. I am happy for Shawn but I'm a little nervous about being alone with the kids. It haven't been alone with them at night since the stroke. I know I can do this, I'm just scared. I will be starting college in the fall, things are looking up.


06-04-2005, 09:47 AM
Hi Wendy,
Glad to see you here at our new home! Yes, it's been a while but please don't be a stranger! I, for one, enjoy the updates of what is going on with everyone.

Hopefully, this new venture will work out for your family. Doesn't sound like Shawn had much of a choice.......