View Full Version : Gender Preference Among Birds?

09-14-2006, 11:17 AM
I know there are other animals (like dogs) that if raised around a Man as a baby then may pick up on only liking men or vice versa with women. I was wondering has anyone ever heard of this with birds? I just thought of it because the breeder I am getting my baby from is two guys that live together. So, I am not sure how much attention He has gotten from females if any. Does this make much of a difference?

09-14-2006, 01:25 PM
I have heard about some birds that have gender preferences, but whether or not they occur because of what gender they are handraised by, I have no idea. I'd have to say that most of the stories I've heard about parrots preferring one gender over the other has been due to the fact they were abused or mistreated by one certain gender. I'm no expert (and I am sure the breeders here will be able to shed some more light) but I don't think you have anything to worry about, especially since you are getting your baby right after he/she has been weaned, and will probably bond very strongly to you.

09-14-2006, 08:24 PM
I've read that gender preferance is more obvious in much larger parrots. I don't think you have anything to worry about with a young lovie. :)

09-14-2006, 08:37 PM
Our indian ringneck, Chubs HATES women and always has. His last owner had him over 8 years and said he would always attack any women who came near him. He got the bird from his in-laws with the understanding that his father in law could handle him but never the mother in law. We've had him about 8 months and he absolutely adores my husband. He makes little cooing noises and makes a purring sound whenever my husband pets him. He sees me, his eyes pin, and he's mad. I have been working really hard and he's coming around but it's touch and go. One minute he'll be interested in me and the next he's giving me a good chomp.

Mijo, our african grey is more bonded to me but he likes men in general. He has a good relationship with my husband and is interested in some of the guys who come over to our house. For him, it's more about personality than sex.

As for lovies, our lovebird Zimber seems to prefer men in general but doesn't dislike women. I went out of town for over a month right after we brought him home and he and my husband bonded during this time. I think this is where part of his preference comes from.

I agree with Janie about not worrying about a young lovie. They are very impressioneable and given patience and understanding you will have a great and lasting relationship with your little fid:D .

09-15-2006, 01:53 AM
Thanks! That definately eases my mind! :)...
Laura, atleast you are making some progress with Chubs! That has to be better than none, right? ;)

09-15-2006, 12:07 PM
Thanks! That definately eases my mind! :)...
Laura, atleast you are making some progress with Chubs! That has to be better than none, right? ;)

I totally love all the progress I'm making with Chubs! I'm no expert but have been around birds long enough to know small steps are a big triumph, and I've made some great strides for such a short time. Building a relationship with Chubs is also beneficial for him cause he'll have the ability to have more attention and fun:D :D .