View Full Version : Bathing Lovebirds!

09-14-2006, 05:03 PM
I was going through my FosterSmith Bird Catalog and was wondering how many of you use the Shower Perch and take showers with your lovies?...
I was wanting to know if your birds actually stayed on the perch? and is it worth buying? I am ordering a bunch of stuff out of the catalog for my baby here soon and was thinking of getting this also.
I am definately Getting a Swing to! :D ...

09-14-2006, 06:12 PM
Personally, I wouldn't be able to take my birds in the shower with me because I take extremely hot showers. :D But if I did, I'm not sure if I would trust that they would stay on, since I know how suction cups tend to work (or should I say, not work). With that being said, I do know someone who has one and loves it. She's never had a problem with it, that I know of.

09-14-2006, 06:26 PM
My showers are probably too hot too. And I know Ditto wouldn't stay on a perch with his favorite perch (me) in right there.

He takes his bath in his water dish or in my hands under the kitchen sink faucet. :happy:

09-14-2006, 08:41 PM
I think shower perches are more for larger birds. I don't have one, but am seriously contemplating getting one for my CAG. He is the most waterproof creature I have ever encountered. I've actually put him in the tub, on a towel, and hosed him off good. He got out, and was dry as a bone:x .

09-14-2006, 08:46 PM
I think shower perches are more for larger birds. I don't have one, but am seriously contemplating getting one for my CAG. He is the most waterproof creature I have ever encountered. I've actually put him in the tub, on a towel, and hosed him off good. He got out, and was dry as a bone:x .

Funny you mention waterproof birds. Even when Ditto soaks his entire body in water he never looks as wet as the pics of some lovies I've seen here. The water seems to run off him like a duck. (he still smells like a wet parrot though :x )

09-14-2006, 09:20 PM
Kanoni loves to take a bath in my hands under a slow-dripping faucet. She has such a short attention span that I know that she would be bored within 2minutes and she would also be trying to eat my shampoo and ride on my razor as I was shaving my legs. Just thinking about it convinces me that I don't ever even want to try a communal shower but to each...

09-15-2006, 01:46 AM
I have decided not to get one lol...I usually dont take hot showers but, there are so many dangers in a bathroom it would be hard to take care of them all without missing one!...Like Cathy said I can just imagine a little lovie getting into everything and end up getting hurt. Although, I have read some people have had success with them. I dont want to be one of the ones who has to try and find out and then my baby get hurt...So, It will just be water in a dish or hopefully I can convince my lovie eventually to sit in my hands and take a bath!...It has to be adorable!!! :)
Thanks!!! :D

09-15-2006, 10:20 AM
Ihopefully I can convince my lovie eventually to sit in my hands and take a bath!...It has to be adorable!!! :)
Thanks!!! :D

And as a bonus, you get a bath too! :rofl:

09-15-2006, 11:11 AM
Just a suggestion for another way to bathe your lovie- mind absolutely love to be sprayed with a mister. You can usually find one in a garden center, or just use a plastic water bottle, like I use, on the mist setting. I one I have I found in the hair care section of Walmart. They are the same thing hairdressers use to wet your hair during a hair cut.

09-15-2006, 05:55 PM
Cooper loves the hose attachement on the kitchen sink. I just perch her on my finger and hold the hose over my hand beside her. Much gentler spray than a shower.

09-24-2006, 01:19 AM
Chip loves getting bathed... i spray him with a hair sprayer or i just put him in the kitchen sink with slow running cold water [its hot outside so its a nice cool down...] he waddles around in the sink playing with the water stream, he has a good drink at the same time.. he is sooo calm afterwards.. poor little wet chicken, cant fly for about 20mins until he dries off... good time for training when hes wet.. ;)

09-24-2006, 12:18 PM
Chip loves getting bathed... i spray him with a hair sprayer or i just put him in the kitchen sink with slow running cold water [its hot outside so its a nice cool down...] he waddles around in the sink playing with the water stream, he has a good drink at the same time.. he is sooo calm afterwards.. poor little wet chicken, cant fly for about 20mins until he dries off... good time for training when hes wet.. ;)

Ditto stands on the edge of my hand, puts his head down and dives into the water. He'll do that over and over for about 5 minutes. Then he hunkers down in the water with just his head sticking out and soak while the water stream runs on his head. :cool: