View Full Version : Nails

09-15-2006, 01:17 PM
We discussed the "idiot" vet that cut only one of my lovebird's wings, but now I have another question. He also did Tinker's nails and since then Tinker doesn't seem to be as comfortable on a round wooden perch as he was. When he comes out of his cage and seems to prefer sitting on a flat surface. When in his cage he sits on a braided rope perch, because it seems more like a flat surface. Is this common after nail clipping? :confused:

09-15-2006, 01:40 PM
I would think this is pretty normal and Tinker probably doesn't feel as secure and steady without his nails being sharp. I've only cut nails a couple times and notice the birds slip off things until their nails get sharp again. For my lovies, this is no big deal and I let their nails go, but for my larger parrots it's a neccesity or I get all pock marked from their nails breaking my skin.

09-15-2006, 01:51 PM
I've stopped my vet from trimming my birds nails unless they are jagged. If they're jagged they can scratch the bird's skin. BUT when they are trimmed, the birds can't hold onto my clothing as well.
I put the cement perches (a small one) in each cage and have wood perches and rope perches as well. Their nails don't need much trimming anymore.

Do you have different types of perches? It helps their little feet to have different things to grab and hold. A rope perch might be nice if your lovie doesn't shred it. My hen can only have indestructible things in her cage or she'll make nesting material out of them. My boys love their ropes because they can rub their faces on them, too. :)

09-15-2006, 02:11 PM
Yes Tinker has two kinds of perches so far plus a platform which he likes to use at night. I plan on getting a twig perch also. Thanks for you info 'cause I had pretty much decided I wouldn't have the nails done again either. He just doesn't seem as comfortable. And what about the beak. I didn't think it was that long since he is a baby sort of yet, but the vet did that also.

Buy A Paper Doll
09-16-2006, 07:58 PM
Typically my lovies take care of their nails themselves. I only trim them if and when they start getting hung up on my clothes. I only take off a very tiny amount, just enough to smooth out the end. My birds' wings are clipped so they really need those nails to help them climb and get around.

09-16-2006, 08:28 PM
Yeah, my lovies don't really need their nails clipped, either, but I do clip my green cheeks' myself. He doesn't seem to really notice, but maybe Tinker is noticing the difference, and isn't quite comfortable yet, as Laura has said.

09-16-2006, 08:53 PM
And what about the beak. I didn't think it was that long since he is a baby sort of yet, but the vet did that also.
Unless the beak has begun to overgrow, there's no need to trim it or otherwise "shape" it!!! Trimming it unnecessarily can cause it to start to grow. Your vet should not be doing anything without your approval and I would never consent to this. Birds maintain their own beaks and I leave it at that.

09-18-2006, 02:38 PM
Thanks to all of you. Wish I had found Lovebirds Plus before I went to this vet (if that's what I should call him) I'm not sure he is any good at all. He claims to know about birds and when in doubt sends people about 75 miles North to a Avian Vet. Go figure!

09-19-2006, 02:16 PM
Sounds like you've already made your mind up to check out another vet. Have you checked the Resourse Library for the Avian Vet search link?

Maybe there is a vet closer than 75 miles that isn't recommended by the vet you are currently seeing....don't know if I would trust his recommendation if you know what I mean.:whistle:

09-22-2006, 01:15 PM
I checked the resource library for a vet near me and as I suspected I live in the "boonies" and there are none listed. I did notice one thing today that I have to admit I hadn't looked for before. Tinker has one toe that the nail grows up toward his body and one toe on the other foot is smaller and deformed compared to the rest. I guess I should really be ashamed of my self for not noticing before, but he isn't to receptive to handling much. \
He has gotten so that he really likes to climb out and around his cage each morning. That seems to be his most active time. His appetite has certainly picked up, We really do enjoy his antics and the interactions of sounds that he like to do.

09-22-2006, 01:24 PM
My Avian Vet is over an hour's drive from me, but it's worth it. I don't have to go to their office often, but at least I know my lovies are getting the best care. There isn't a vet near me who I'd take my birds to even in an emergency. If I were you, I'd consider taking them to the Avian Vet who is 75 miles away. :2cents:

11-04-2006, 08:20 AM
Hi! How do I know when my lovie's nails need a trim?

11-04-2006, 08:59 AM

As long as you have a good conditioning perch in the cage, they should keep their beak and nails trimmed up themselves. However if you see the nails starting to curl under I would first let your avian vet take a look, and show you how to trim them. There is a blood supply in the nails, and he or she can show you where to trim without causing them to bleed.

I would first try to give an extra good conditioning perch first to see if Biscuit will keep his nails trimmed on his own. If you start trimming them, it is something that will always have to be done. I am going to post a link to a new conditioning perch that I got. They are made for good foot health, as the part of the perch where to foot rest is smooth, so it is not so hard on them, but it also have pumice on the sides where the nails rest. I have had very good results with these. A bit pricey, but remember, they last forever:)


11-05-2006, 04:07 AM
Hi Lori... Uhm... pardon my ignorance but, what is a conditioning perch? Bird supplies are hard to come up with here... Thanks!

11-05-2006, 04:08 AM
oh i didnt see the link.. thanks!