View Full Version : finally

09-15-2006, 03:04 PM
today i let bebo out of his cage ust like every day and also like everyday he flaps around before landing on my curtain rod. but not like everyday, he missed his target and landed in the corner in the huge pile of blankets and pillows... because i was instantly grabbed by that motherly instinct i was very worried about him. kneeling down i could tell he was fine. he was just stunned.
so i got down a little closer look at how adorable he was and he waddled on to my foot!!!!
so then i started to give him scriches on his neck. he fell alsleep just after he gave me that "im in heaven" look. it was sooooo sweet i almost wanted to jump up and dance...but bebo was still on my foot. then he woke up and *drumroll please* he started to preen me!!!!!!!!!! :p :happy: :rofl: :p :lol ;) :) :rolleyes: :rofl: :confused: :whistle: :happy: (those are the range of emotions i felt in that exxact order) then of couse i had to do somthin so i had to try and get him back in the cage! :rolleyes: lets just say he did anything he could to get me to let him stay out. incloding grabbing onto the side of the cage and getting a death grip on it. by the time i had got him back in his cage i wanted to get him back out to play with.:mad:

09-15-2006, 03:28 PM
Aww...that's so cute- he wuvs you! ;)

I think it's so sweet when birds preen you. It really makes you feel like part of the flock.

09-15-2006, 03:58 PM
Woo hoo!!

09-17-2006, 11:35 PM
What does preen mean?

09-17-2006, 11:40 PM
What does preen mean?

Preening is when a parrot is fixing and grooming their feathers. When in pairs, birds will often preen each other as will parents with their offspring.