View Full Version : Going to a Bird Fair!! :)

09-15-2006, 05:05 PM
I am going to get to go to a bird Fair Sunday the 24th in Dayton!!...YAY!
So, now I am picking up my baby on the 24th if everything goes as planned. My breeder lives 1 block from the big bird fair going on in Dayton Ohio and I am wanting to go and look and see if I can find a Nice cage!
For people who have been at bird fairs..you think I might be able to find a nicer cage for $100?...I went and bought an 18"x18" just for now :( so, that will do but, I really want to have a nicer cage for my lovie.
Plus, it will be fun seeing all the different kinds of birds! Hopefully I can find a nice cage there!! I am not totally sure I am going to get to go but, I am hoping everything goes as I planned it!! ;)
My only concern is I am going to the bird fair around 11-12 it starts at 10am and then I am going to pick up my baby at around 3-4 So, anything I could have picked up at the fair could easily be transmitted to him.

09-15-2006, 05:14 PM
If I were you I'd pack a change of clothes, and change/wash up in a public bathroom somewhere before picking up the baby...it would help anyways!

I live in AK and we don't have bird fairs here...but I do get to go to a parrot conference/seminar tomorrow! I'm super excited!

09-15-2006, 05:33 PM
thats what i though about doing...I guess I can find a gas station somewhere and change and wash up a bit...
There are no Bird Fairs near here either Mandy :( I am traveling a little over 3hours to go get my lovie and go to the fair. Luckily though my breeder just lives a block away from the fair grounds! :D
That sounds like fun!!! ;) I would be excited to. I would love to hear myself about what kinds of things they talk about..

I need to start looking around for any fairs or Seminars in my area I did before but couldnt find any within a 100mile drive...

09-15-2006, 08:25 PM
I found 1 upcoming bird fair but I don't know if it is any closer to you than the one that you are going to on the 24th. Anyway, I copied the info.

December 16-17 - Paducah, KY - Tri-State Exotic Bird Fair
JR's Exec Inn Riverfront & Convention Center, 1 Executive Blvd. (I-24 exit 4). (901)-878-1307 Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm, Admission: $3.

Let me know how far away it is.

09-15-2006, 08:30 PM
I agree about taking a complete change of clothing (shoes, underwear, the whole 9 yards) and getting changed is the thing you want to do. I would also get one of the hand sanitizers like Purell and take it with me. It's very easy to pick up anything the birds at the show happen to have and you don't necessarily have to even touch them. I always have a bottle of Purell with me and I clean my hands before/after touching any birds that I may find interesting. When I get home, I take a shower and change clothes/shoes.

You should be able to find a very nice cage at the show for $100.00. Many vendors run "show specials" and I've seen some pretty awesome prices!! Keep in mind that your new lovebird is still very much a baby so you don't want the cage too big in the beginning. Babies are used to being in smaller spaces so too large a cage, initially, may give it quite a scare. The cage you have sounds just fine for a little while. Believe it or not, changing cages may be less traumatic when you do it if you get a new cage that's similar in color to the one you already have.

09-15-2006, 09:57 PM
Cathy, Thanks for the show info but, Paducah is on the other side of ky. It is over a 6 hour drive. I appreciate the help though! ;)

Linda, I will definately bring a full change of clothes. I am always carrying around those small little bottles of hand sanitizer to.
Thanks alot for the helpful info.
I have never been to any kind of show/fair before so, I am really excited but also a little nervous on what to expect there. Im hoping no one is to pushy on selling things lol because somehow I just cant say no to alot of people. I am definately an impulse buyer to, if I have money on me...I dont think lol I just buy.
Which is a horrible habit to get into, I know! :rolleyes: But, it will make for one SPOILED birdy!..:happy:

09-16-2006, 08:31 AM
Congrads on almost having your sweetie. As for the cage yes you can. I strongly urge you to walk the whole fair and make a list of the cages and price you like before you pick one. Both of my cages I have are a very nice size and were very cheep. I will never buy a cage any were but a bird fair now..lol. Also they got tons of good prices on toys. I suggest getting a few bowls that attach to the cage and can not be moved well. I am un-sure if she goes to fairs were you will be. But a place called Birds and Branches is great.


09-16-2006, 01:06 PM
Thanks, I am really excited about getting my little baby!!! and Great Idea!
My digital camera isnt working right now for some reason :( So, I have to get that fixed before the baby gets here for your guys sake atleast..lol...:D;)

I was going to order a bunch of stuff out of my DrFosterSmith Catalog but, I am sure it will be MUCH Cheaper at the Fair and I can get more for my money! :)...

09-16-2006, 04:07 PM

I'm a birdfair junkie :D You can fantastic prices on bird cages that you ever could at a petstore. Here's a few pics of my birdroom and the large cages I got a the birdfairs for only $75-$85. http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2107596515&idx=27 I've seen them as high as $200 at stores and some websites. I have Daisy & Olivia in one cage and Molly & Piper in their own cage. It gives plenty of room for perches, toys, food dishes, and exercise. I've changed things around since these pics were taken, but you get the general idea. Most vendors I've come across are not pushy. You look, you find what you like, ask questions, but only buy what YOU want. Don't ever let them talk you into something. Listen to other pet owners at the show too, you'll be amazed the things you can find out just by sort of butting-into a conversation. Like Steph said, always walk around and check out the prices first & then go back and get what you want. When you see something, take the vendors business card and write on the back what it was they have that you like. You'll always have their card and most have websites too. :2cents:

09-16-2006, 06:41 PM
Love your Bird room and Cages..and your lovies are just gorgeous!!...Hopefully I can find a deal like that!! :D I would be one happy camper! I am hoping to maybe pick up a few toys and bowels to. Among any other things I can find! :D lol
Is there usually an Admission fee? to a bird fair?...I didnt read anything about one but, wasnt sure..

09-16-2006, 07:11 PM
The birdfairs I've been to charge anywhere from $3 to $5 for admission. They have to pay for the rental of the building. After you buy everything and you get home, be sure to wash anything you give your lovie. You can wash them in a solution of water with 10% bleach, rinse well and let dry. If you can let them dry outside in sun that would be great. As far as the cage, try and take it to the bathroom and wash with the same solution. With mine being large, I can roll them outside wash and let dry in the sun. Oh, towel dry first ;) Anything toys you buy that have colored wood will bleed the color, but it's better to wash them than not. :2cents:

09-16-2006, 09:49 PM
Kelly, I spent about 4 hours at the Atlanta bird fair today. I saw Jackie and Jeanette. They had some wonderful cages for well under $100. I would suggest that you make a list and get what you need and then see what else is available. It is always good to get extra food and water dishes so that you can put one set in the dishwasher and have a spare for the cage. They have all different kinds of perches and swings that are a must for a lovebird. I would also add a ladder and a toy that encourages shredding. Get a container of the "Poopoff" stuff, too. It works great on cages, walls, etc. Then, there is fresh millet, bird food, dehydrated fruits and vegetables. I also bought a little shoulder apron to wear over my clothes so that poop is not a problem. They have really cheap carriers to take your bird home in as well. And last, I bought some stuff to make some of my own toys. I bought some tiny blocks to spell my birds' names and some beads to hang on a leather strip. I spent way too much money and had a wonderful time. I know that you will too. Just don't get blown away and buy another bird. you wouldn't believe some of the shady dealings that I saw today.

09-16-2006, 11:35 PM
Cathy! You were there and I missed you! :confused: Lori and I were there for a couple of hours, too. Saw Jeanette and Jackie but didn't see you. Maybe next time? :)

09-16-2006, 11:53 PM
Cathy, you sound like you had a wonderful time!
With all this Green Cheek baby talk, I know I am going to be tempted to bring two babies home lol...But, One baby will do just fine!!.......[for now]..:D
I really hope I can atleast find a cage and a few toysand a Swing!.....That is my main goal but, who knows what I will end up leaving with lol
I will take a look around for the PoopOff stuff I have seen it on sites before! But, was Skeptical about it. Glad to know it really works. :)
I wish I lived closer to you guys that would be Great to meet you all and I wouldnt be so nervous going and actually knowing someone!

09-17-2006, 03:38 PM

Yep, we missed you, and I even asked Jeanette about you. She SAID I would meet you before she left, but she took off so quick to go feed those babies I think her head spun:lol Maybe next time, as I'm sure there will be a next time;)


There is a bird fair here next month in Nashville, and if you can make it, just let me know. I will be more than happy to meet you there. After this trip I really don't need anything, but I'm sure I can always find something I just HAVE to have;)

09-18-2006, 05:48 AM
I wish I was closer to Nashville that sounds Great! But, I am alittle over an 8hour drive to get there :(
Thanks Though! :D

09-18-2006, 06:14 AM
Lori and Janie, lets make plans to get together and maybe have lunch. I was there about 4 hours and hated to miss you, too. But, I did have a real eye-opening time. Did either of you watch the avian vet surgically sexing birds. It was fascinating, but I would never put a bird through that. I was weak-in-the-knees after watching and talking to her. She just seemed so rough with the birds and if that wasn't enough she also tatooed the birds sex under the wing. Seemed cruel to me.

I did buy another parrotlet, but from a wonderful breeder that I have bought from before. She had all of her birds in those plastic containers and made people walk behind her booth and wash before handling her babies. Her name is Daisy and she is really precious. She in an English yellow and I paid too much. I am still hiding her from my husband!!!

I also reserved the pied that you see on Jeanette's website if it is a male after she has it DNAed.

Oops, I am going to be late for school.

I really did hate missing you at the bird show.

09-18-2006, 09:14 AM
HEY! I'm going to a Bird Fair on Sunday the 24th too! This one is in Reading PA. I've never been to one - I hope to find some reasonably priced cages and hopefully a little masked boy for my little girl if they have any birdies there - I don't know if they do - does anyone have any idea? This is put on by Castle Enterprises.

09-18-2006, 09:25 AM
I really like to read the threads on bird fairs. We do not have any bird fairs that I know of in Alberta, or even Canada. The community is just not the same as where you live. Sounds like a lot of fun though and I like to read what you have to say about them and who you see.

09-18-2006, 09:51 AM

I was talking to Jeanette last night and I told her I looked for you after I went back inside. I met Cathy in the parking lot with Jeanette, but lost her. Well, there are other birdfairs and the board :p Do you remember who you bought the parrolet from? Blue Moon Aviaries (Lynn Dresser) had a couple of gorgeous parrolets. They are too cute! We'll have to meet up again :D

09-18-2006, 10:00 AM
Did either of you watch the avian vet surgically sexing birds. It was fascinating, but I would never put a bird through that.

Yep, I've watched Dr. Shepherd sex them several times at bird fairs. She is the avian vet that Jackie and I use. I'd also prefer the feather pluck method. :)

09-18-2006, 11:36 AM
It doesnt say anywhere that there are going to be birds for sale on the Castle Enterprises site :(....It says it is going to be "A HUGE SHOPPING SPREE FOR PET BIRDS" I doubt there would be birds there but, you never know. But, atleast you can get some things for your lovie! :D and maybe pick up a cage and some things for your next little boy lovie!:D
Just remember to wash everything thouroughly before letting your lovie have or play with them! ;)

09-18-2006, 02:41 PM
I know the site doesn't really tell you much at all - I know that the one I missed this past weekend also in PA - I think it was Minnich's Birds who sponsored that one - had a list of the vendors that were going to be there. But that's ok - surprises are good!

09-18-2006, 06:48 PM
HEY! I'm going to a Bird Fair on Sunday the 24th too! This one is in Reading PA. I've never been to one - I hope to find some reasonably priced cages and hopefully a little masked boy for my little girl if they have any birdies there - I don't know if they do - does anyone have any idea? This is put on by Castle Enterprises.

Oh, no! The fair in Reading, PA is on Sunday? Dang it... Leave it to me: if I have one thing planned, at least 2 other exciting things come up for that same day >: I'm going to AC with one of my best friends for dinner and a concert. One of my other dear friend's husband is showing up in Princeton so there's just no way...

Denise -- I got Beetle from a wonderful breeder here in NJ: www.lovenlet.com. She breeds masked lovies as well as peachies and Fischer's.


09-18-2006, 07:30 PM
Hmmmmm, I may have to make a trip to Reading. :whistle:

09-18-2006, 07:45 PM
Lori, that is so nice of you but I spent twice what I wanted to and I don't need another thing either.

Jackie, I did buy my new parrotlet from Lynn at Blue Moon Aviary. I really wanted a male but I couldn't resist the sweet little yellow female aka Daisy. There were others that were cheaper and I did find a male but I just couldn't trust what I saw. Daisy is going to take some slow socializing as she is a little shy.

I am looking for a hand-fed male budgie or parakeet to take to school. My lovebird is too noisy. My older parrotlet hates everyone but me. If anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it. I can't go farther north than Atlanta.