View Full Version : Knee update as well as Sage and Honey.

09-17-2006, 04:05 AM
Morning All
Just a quick update, before i go back to bed and rest this stupid knee up.
Surgery went ok, turned out it was Plica Syndrome, but had healed up, but scar tissue had grown around the Medial Plica and spreading. Hence the knee getting worse. Surgeon removed the Medial Plica and the scar tissue. we now hoping the scar tissue dont grow back. Stitches came out Monday, only 2 of them. But walking is very very painful still. Went out with Carer on Friday, to do a big shop for myself, ( animals already got food in, i did this before i went into hospital.) Just couldnt do it, had to keep stopping, in end had to come home. Knee not strong enough to do a lot at mo. I can drive now, but dont, only just to nip up the shop.
Its funny tho walking and the knee not locking up or giving out, after nearly 2 years of it doing it, my poor brain cant get used to it. :lol
Sage and Honey really doing well. now. Finally got them to eat Bammbo leave and Yellow Honeysuckle. said i win on the veggie front. :wink:
Honey is a right character, if you recall, i said she was very nervous of hands etc, well she as suddenly got really confident, Sage still bit nervous, but am winning slowly. Sage as already started to shred things. she as been pulling bits off of her rope perch. I cna even hoover out their cage while they are in it, i do this with the parrot anyway. They now ignore it and just watch me hoover out the seeds. Nozzle is never near them.
They started winding up my Birman now :rofl: He will never learn.
Right am off to rest knee up. Not stopped since i got up, hoovering, washing etc.
Will be about more soon as i dont have to rest knee up.
Thinking of you all.
Ta ta for now.
Love Cassy and the Fids. :grouphug.:

09-17-2006, 07:23 AM
Hi Cassy!
Sounds like your surgery went well and I'm very glad to hear it. It's going to take a while to completely heal but when it finally does, hey, watch out world! Here comes Cassy!! :grouphug1 Hang in there! It will only get better.

Sounds like you're working your magic with Sage and Honey. All live creatures will respond to love, kindness and patience! Won't be too long before you win them over.

09-17-2006, 12:58 PM
Hi Cassy! Good to hear from you and thanks for the update! Hope that knee heels properly and very soon, too! :D Sounds like all is well in your lovie world! :D:D:D

09-17-2006, 02:09 PM
Glad to hear everything went well. After you're all healed, it will all be worth it. Sounds like it's better already.:happy:

09-17-2006, 03:24 PM

It's good to see you up and about. I miss ya round here, and will be glad when you can get back on a regular basis. I miss that little cockney posting. I just feel like I can hear you speaking:)

I had no doubt you would win the veggie and fruit was with Honey and Sage. They really had no choice, as I know how stubborn you can be:lol

Rest up sweety, and we'll see ya round soon.

09-17-2006, 05:14 PM
Hey Cassy, Glad to hear you are doing so good! Knee surgery is a bummer..I've had a total knee replacement..so I completely understand how different your knee feels. It takes a while for the brain to catch up with the body;)
Glad to hear about Sage and Honey. They missed you and are doing everything to please mom!:happy: