View Full Version : It is a week of babies for me(non-bird related)

06-04-2005, 09:06 PM
Well my pregnant cat who we thought had kittens but they died proved me wrong. This morning we found 2 tiny a few week old kittens on porch with mama right there. They are so tiny. They literly just opened eyes today. This is a outside cat but those babys sure look sweet. I am in heaven surrounded by babies.I am a granny again now..lol.


Joanie Noel
06-05-2005, 09:10 AM
Awwww, Steph! I love kittens. ;) When my dogs had puppies, it was one of the happiest times of my life. I guess we're all just suckers for any baby animal or human, eh?

~ Joanie