View Full Version : I have created a MONSTER

09-23-2006, 12:29 PM
My roommate who was so against getting lovebirds after Kiko became a nesty hen has transformed. Even earlier this week, he talked me out of getting a nice Jade (not Olive I am guessing). Well he has brought home another lovie for me.

He always wanted a dutch blue (not sure if that is an old term or new one) and now we have one. It's mine he tells me, but he is going to be living in his room for the quarantine time. I was counting on him as being a deterent.

So now my home is up to 6 lovebirds. This one I don't take credit for, but will end up loving just as much.

This just happened and I only took a quick peek.

I just ran upstairs and snap a few pics.

09-23-2006, 05:36 PM
Very pretty! So, you've turned your roomie into a lovie-lover, huh?! :D

09-23-2006, 07:04 PM
Oooo, he's a cutie! He's still very young, so watch how much he eats. Cute babyface :D

09-23-2006, 07:33 PM

Maybe you could send your roommate to come bring me this little OF lutino home??????:lol

That is one cute little bugger. As Jackie said, still a baby, and aren't baby faces just the best:)

09-23-2006, 08:41 PM
I think he felt bad when we left the store without that jade lovie the other day. I was the rational one that night...he said 'no not that one'. I was ready to leave, then he went back to the jade lovie and said 'well if you really want it'. I didn't do it that night....I ask you guys and decided against it. So, whatta's he do...comes home with a completely different one! 'Looking at fish' he says, and 'this little guy was so cute'. Terrible...well, I won't complain too much.

New lovie has already been into his food. I was told that while roommate was sitting at his desk, whenever he stopped talking to new lovie, he would take seeds and throw them out of the cage at roommate. What a good new lovie:lol . I just need Dave and Ditto to come here and teach the new lovie to poop on my roommates head on command.:whistle:

09-24-2006, 08:52 AM
What a cutie pie! I am such a sucker for a black beak and hated when Big Boi's and Shy's beaks out grew the black. I considered keeping them black with a permanent black marker but decided that might not be a good idea! ;)

09-24-2006, 10:09 AM
Hey Susan, pretty bird - especially since your little blue guy has a Violet factor! :happy:

Can't wait for more pics!

09-24-2006, 10:15 AM
Susan, by the time that beautiful baby is out of quarentine, your roommate won't be able to let you have it. If he has to watch it everyday for a month... I think that we can expect a new person on this site.

09-24-2006, 02:59 PM
The new baby is beautiful!

09-25-2006, 12:06 AM
Such a pretty baby!
"Dutchies" are one of my favorites too. (Mollie, Ponti, Slasha, Quill)
Has your roommate come up with any names yet?

09-25-2006, 12:40 AM
Has your roommate come up with any names yet?

Since I will end up with s/he I want to name him. I haven't spent anytime with the little guy, but my vote is for MR. PEEPERS!!!

So far Ron (roommate) likes Cobalt, Dutchie, and Shnickers (that's not a spelling mistake:roll: ) It doesn't really matter what he wants...when the lovie gets older and he tires of MR.PEEPERS, I will end up with him...that's what happened with Kiko, the first lovie.

Thanks for all the nice comments,

I took a few pics of MR.PEEPERS with Ron, I will post them later.:happy:

09-27-2006, 08:33 PM
Today I went and picked up 2 more cages. One to possibly split up Kiko and Touki, and one for the lovie my roommate picked up.

:mad: The reason for the cage for the new lovie is, my roommate left for school this morning, this is the time I spend with new lovie before changing into my day clothes. It is really cold here, it was 9 celsius (48F) and he left his window open and the cage is right by the window. He probably had it open all night>:

I decided that he doesn't get to have this lovely baby lovie in his room anymore.

(two more weeks until Little Chicken, Chubby and Checkers are through officially done with quarantine:happy: )

09-27-2006, 11:01 PM
The baby is simply adorable. :)
Congratulations and POST MORE PICTURES AIGHT?!!!!!

:lol :lol

09-27-2006, 11:14 PM
Beautiful lovie!! I want another little guy!!! sigh!!!

Hugs, Lisa