View Full Version : Celeste and I are bonding!

09-24-2006, 03:12 PM
A month ago we brought our first lovebird Celeste. She was so afraid when we took her home but she isn't a biter and ate from the beginning. This made me very happy because I knew we could become friends. She has learned to step up extremely well and we don't ever have to pull her out of the cage.

On Friday, which was four weeks from when we took her home, she let me give her kisses on her back. She was near enough to the cage to escape but she liked the kisses and stayed. Celeste has stopped flinging herself into the cage to get back as well. She will eats millet from my hand now too. She is also singing during out time which makes me think she is really happy. I am so in love with this little bird I can't put it into words. I have done so much research so I can do my best and it's paid off. I am sure many, if not all of you understand how great it is to provide a happy home so you have a happy bird. Celeste's only desire is to play with my starlings and sparrows but I think it is a case of be careful of what you wish for. Starlings like lovebirds are high energy birds and wouldn't get along with a hook bill of any kind.

Thank you to everyone on this board, especially all of you who created it and work so hard to keep it running. I have learned so much by reading forums and looking at posts. I am really grateful to have found you because I know there are only a few great boards out there for birds.

Thanks again,


09-24-2006, 04:02 PM

Thanks so much for the great update. It is messages like these that give everyone hope on bonding with their little one. I am so happy to hear that you can Celeste are getting closer. It just gets better from here:)

09-24-2006, 05:30 PM
Thank you! So far it has been wonderful. We knew Celeste would need lots of time to get to know us but I feel we've made great progress. I also think I was very lucky to get her out of that pet store before she became a problem bird. The first thing they had told me was that she was hand shy. I almost walked away but my gut said take her home. I don't recommend buying a bird on impulse but I had a good idea of what I was getting into. She has yet to nip at me and only uses her beak to taste and climb. I am wrapped around her little toe and am already think of a mate for when she is older. I think that since she is only about six months that will wait about a year.

09-24-2006, 05:47 PM
Jessica, I'm so glad to hear that things are going so well! :) Nothing quite like 50 to 60 grams of feathers, I know! :D There is no way anyone could have convinced me, before Oliver, that a lovebird could be such a precious pet. A bond like I've never had before in my life. :D Keep up the good work...you're doing great in a short period of time!

09-24-2006, 07:02 PM

I am so happy for you! Yes, we do understand very well what a joy it is to have a lovebird love you back and how you feel so deeply for them too. Like Janie, I never knew how much bonding someone could have with a bird until I got my Molly. Words just can't describe it. Keep us post on new adventure with you and Celeste :D