View Full Version : Moving in together

09-25-2006, 10:38 AM
As most of you know, I recently acquired a new lovie, Sonnet. Right now I have her housed separately from Friday, although their cages are right next to each other. I let them out to play several times a day for as long as I can. Question is, how long should I keep them apart housing-wise? I know that just because they seem to get on so well while they're out, doesn't necessarily mean they will get on well inside a cage together. I am planning on rearranging all the stuff in the big cage when she moves in, but I'm still curious what the experts are saying in regards to their "dating" period.

comments, suggestions?

09-25-2006, 10:51 AM
Rachel, nervous Nellie that I am, I would watch them together for several weeks or even months before I'd cage them together. And, when I did cage them together, I'd watch to see how they behave when that door is closed. While my three get along famously when they are outside of their cages, I'm not sure Oliver would like being locked up with either one of the younger boys even though he seems to be in love with Shy and visa versa. Others here who have delt with introducing a bird as a mate will be more helpful than I am and I'll be reading to see what they advise. :)

09-25-2006, 02:17 PM

I'll tell you about my girls. After I bought Olivia, she paired up with Daisy immediately. I kept them in separate cages for a while (side by side) and let them play outside the cage for a few months. Then I started letting Olivia play with Daisy in Daisy's cage for an hour or two and then longer as time went on. Now they are in the same cage during the day everyday unless Olivia gets nesty and I move her back to her smaller cage. I bought Olivia last mid-December and Daisy was not quite 1 yr old. :2cents:

09-26-2006, 12:56 PM
thanks for those experiences... I'm not rushing it by any means. We still have outside time, but they go back to their own homes still at the end of playtime. Friday did get bold and perched on the open door of Sonnet's cage and looked inside (she was still out). Didn't go in it though. Probably afraid that I'd close him in while playtime was still in session:lol